Charles22 -> (12/14/2000 9:50:00 PM)
I too thought they had different uniforms, but then again, if it was a different uniform, was it a different character or did the studio accidently put the same actor in a different uniform? You see, what I mean? It looks like noone can know for sure whether it was the same guy or not, for as I point out, the uniform doesn't necessarily mean it's a different character. I do agree that the soldier not killing the quivering soldier would point more towards the German being the same as the earlier POW, but perhaps the writer was just making a hand-to-hand fight scene statement totally apart from the German POW fighting again. I don't know if I'll ever be satisfied with any explanation.
Sorry about the spoiler, I only realsied it after I posted, and I've no idea how long it'll be beofre any people that sees this thred, sees that movie, I wasn't going to hold my question forever. In any case, most people that read this thread, if they don't read it for a week, and see the movie sometime afterwards, will probably forget entirely this difficult to discern bit of it.