1_Lzard -> RE: Armageddon 2015 T3 (12/6/2010 3:53:56 AM)
I'm suprised at you, Larry! One normally reads the details of a scenario, eh? "House Rules - the PO will ignore them - (i) only units with the Special Forces, Airmobile, Paratroop, Air Assault, Marine, Amphibious, Helicopter and Air icons (NOT FLEETS) can air/sea assault/land at enemy owned ports. It doesn't matter which method they use, at this level the distinction between paratroops, commandos, marines and 'special forces' becomes blurred. If still friendly during the next turn, conventional units can use sealift to enter them. (SP indicates that a Supply Point will be placed on the captured hex. There are also Russian SPs in most NATO capitals). (ii) Units with the RES icon must remain in their home countries (which may include islands if applicable). (iii) The Reds may attack neutrals as soon as they press the Declare War TOs: there's no need to wait until the following turn, although if there's exclusion zone still in place you'll need to wait for it to disappear. No need to declare war on/avoid passing through the smaller non-NATO nations like Malta, Cyprus, Bosnia and Macedonia, I'm assuming that they'll be caught up in any major conflict in the Mediterranean region. (v) HQs may not be moved by air. The minor 'roads' connecting some small islands may be used by ground units without the need for sealift." Further, ANKARA* has an the apostraphe (whatever) indicating a capital. Details Details, eh? [:D][:D][X(]