Tried the game using a VM? (Full Version)

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Crimguy -> Tried the game using a VM? (12/4/2010 3:19:26 AM)

I'm not asking for, or expecting, official support for this, but did want to know if anyone has tried running the beta on a mac using either Parallels or VMWare?

Apollo11 -> RE: Tried the game using a VM? (12/4/2010 7:58:32 AM)

Hi all,



I'm not asking for, or expecting, official support for this, but did want to know if anyone has tried running the beta on a mac using either Parallels or VMWare?

I think I tried it early on using VrtualBox and VMWare (but on a PC)... must check...

Leo "Apollo11"

Marc von Martial -> RE: Tried the game using a VM? (12/8/2010 1:40:44 PM)

I playtested all my artwork during the development on a Mac using Parallels. Never had any issues running it.

BletchleyGeek -> RE: Tried the game using a VM? (12/9/2010 12:34:33 PM)

My experience so far trying to get WiTE running on Ubuntu 10.04 with latest version of Wine is encouraging. The game installed without problems, as expected, and I could make it to the main menu screen, although no intro movies were shown.

However I couldn't get past the main menu: as one of the game music tracks started to play it froze.

I say "encouraging" since I think that it might be playable if I find a way to disable sounds.

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