goranw -> RE: Planning map(on a zoom 2 map) (3/15/2011 5:13:27 PM)
Hi! The new version of the "planning map" will look like this. The goal is, as much as possible, to resemble the German "Operationskarte" from the war.They were maps that were used to describe the military situation. So called "Lagekarten" when showing the own- and enemy units.In English; "Situation maps". Mostly in the scale 1:1 Milj, but other scales ex 1: 300 000 was also used depending on purpose. This goal means a Germanization of the geographical names. Not even in this sort of maps, however, it was consequently done. The degree varies with time, political intentions and of course also with type of map. I have been able to work with original paper maps which simplifies a bit. A Russian version would be interesting and I just have seen in another post that this is discussed. Maps are important in these types of games. The War in the East map represents, in my opinion, a new level of realistic looking map that makes it possible and worthwhile to work with it. Red dots mean ingame (in the game engine) named hexes. No red dot is moved to another hex. They are just changed to the German naming. ( In a very few cases changed to another town/village name better representing the hex). The black dots are added towns/villages/important railway stations.Sometimes are those adding historical interest Gameplay is of course not changed. Coastal lines have sometimes been altered towards those in my maps. Inform me of errors,please. Will upload the playable tga files in a couple of days. Regards, Goran