Mus -> RE: StuG BS discussions (2/1/2011 2:54:59 AM)
ORIGINAL: ezz {Repeat post.. Sorry about that but I find repeating a point 100 times makes it more believable.} I would like to bring something to the developer's attention. I see this game is almost ready for publication. However you have still not addressed a very serious problem. Specifically the stats for the PzIIf. I have, after meticulous research, discovered that when this tank was deployed with the Spanish Blue Division a modification was made. The Spanish maintenance crews suggested a way to increase the armour of the PzIIf. This consisted of them making a batch of Paella and smearing it on the front armour. Now this , sometimes with added Chorizo, greatly increased the ability of the vehicle to withstand AP shells. By as much as perhaps 25mm...No, make that 60mm. I travelled to the Canary islands, and at Fuertoventura discovered a small WWII museum. I immediately checked the PzIIf there. It had greasy, slimy, food stains right across the front armour. Also a ceramic plate, metal knife, wine bottle,and a small cloth banner had been added to the turret. I asked the museum's curator to comment. "Hmm.. it looks like the janitor has been having his lunch. Look, there's his tablecloth." HAH! WRONG! After much research I can assure you that the German Panzer regiments also made up a Paella/Pea Sausage/150g of crackers, modification locally. This unauthorised up-armouring had the effect of making the front armour of a PzIIf the equivalent of a KV-1. Far from ripping the turret off and flinging it 100m into the sky, a 76mm shell would bounce harmlessly off. I ask the developer this. 1.Will the new 'ration covering,' unofficial armoured modification, be included in this game. For historical accuracy it can hardly be ignored! 2. Will the modification now permit the PzIIf to be impervious to all but rounds fired at close range from an IS-2 ? 3. Would you like some information on the rocket propelled, high impact, wooden AP projectile that some special rifles were adapted to fire? I have a picture of a modified Kar-98 stool-leg that I can post. {Some claim it is in fact a rifle resting by a chair. But that is opinion only for the uniformed..} I await your reply with a mix of amusement, outrage, schizophrenia, humour, bile, breathlessness and incredulity. {Incredulity only if you fail to grasp my genius.} Uzi-name. You win the thread btw.