apd1004 -> RE: WITE Custom fonts (12/16/2010 8:42:29 PM)
Well, I played around for an entire day with about 100 fonts, 84 of them downloaded and installed from the internet. I just couldn't get the right combination of Germanic looking fonts that didn't create graphical overlaps or become totally unreadable in the smaller font sizes. I ended up going with a combination of the Franklin Gothic Demi, Franklin Gothic Medium, and Franklin Gothic Book. They give a good combination of readability/functionality with a tiny bit of gothic flair in the right places. Screenshot captures just about all of the fonts in action. Here is the WiteFontConfig file I went with. //Wite Font Config File //********************************* //Font id,Name,Size,0-normal/1-bold //********************************* // //Default Fonts // //1,Arial,14,0 //2,Arial,10,0 //3,Arial,18,0 //4,Verdana,7,0 //5,Verdana,8,1 //6,Verdana,7,0 //7,Georgia,18,0 //8,Verdana,7,1 //9,Verdana,9,0 // // //1 - is big font widely used in headers //2 - the most used font //3 - rarely used big font (ex. end game screen) //4 - rarely used small font (ex. top menu date/turn, etc) //5 - used on unit counters on highest zoom and as small bold header //6 - small font used in Commander's report //7 - rarely used large font (ex. weather report) //8 - small bold font used on unit counters on medium zoom. also used in Commander's Report //9 - widely used in editor // // 1,Franklin Gothic Demi,14,0 2,Franklin Gothic Medium,10,0 3,Franklin Gothic Demi,18,0 4,Franklin Gothic Medium,8,0 5,Franklin Gothic Book,10,1 6,Franklin Gothic Demi,8,0 7,Franklin Gothic Demi,18,0 8,Franklin Gothic Demi,9,0 9,Franklin Gothic Medium,10,0 [image]local://upfiles/21801/D95F727EE5E046449DA85A5DA3F9591C.jpg[/image]