Patbgaming -> LCU Prep dropped from 100 to 0 (12/14/2010 1:34:55 AM)
My PBEM opponent is trying very hard to take Canton Island from me. We have been fighting on the island for a few days. I have 5 total units on the island, 3 had 100 prep. The other 2 were 6 and 0. When I received the last turn back from my opponent all of my units now have a prep of 0. Does prep dissappear if you are low on supply or for any reason other than starting to prep for another location ? I had considered maybe I had hit set all to the unit that wasn't prepping for Canton, but had I done that all would be now prepping for Christmas and the one would still be at 100 for that prep setting. I will post the save of the turn I sent and the one I just received.