Zovs -> RE: One thing I wanted to ask, from operational boot camp... (12/14/2010 11:09:58 PM)
For me understanding air missions and air doctrine is one of the more complex systems of this game. I don't know if this will help or make it worse. From the manual: 16.1.1. AIR GROUP UNIT MILES FLOWN There are several factors that determine how many missions and what type a particular air group unit can conduct during a turn. An air group unit can only fly a certain number of miles per turn based on its cruise speed (5.4.18) and current unit morale. The miles flown is tracked and displayed in the air base unit detail window (5.4.17) in parenthesis next to the air group unit name as both actual miles flown and percentage of available miles flown. An air group unit can continue to fly missions if miles traveled are less then cruise speed times (10 + (1/2 * group’s morale)). For example, a JU-52 air group unit with morale of 20 and a cruise speed of 160 could fly 3200 miles in a turn. The actual mileage flown is based on the type of air mission. Air transfer missions pay the range in miles, transport missions cost three times the range in miles, and all other air missions, which are considered combat missions and include fighter escort of air transport missions, pay four times the range in miles. For example, an air transport mission to a target hex 12 hexes away would expend 360 miles, or 12 times 3 times 10 miles per hex, for the transport air group unit, but an escorting fighter unit would expend 480 miles. 16.3.1. LIMITS ON CONDUCTING AIR MISSIONS Certain missions may not be flown once an air group unit has flown any missions, to include air transfer missions, or had its air base move. In these cases, the mileage display next to that air group unit in the air base unit detail window will be greater than zero. Whenever the mileage flown is greater than zero, an air group unit may not participate in a daytime Bomb Ground Unit, Bomb City, or Air Transfer missions, and may not participate in a night-time Bomb Ground Unit, Bomb City, Bomb Airfield, or air transport mission. Note that air transfer night missions cannot be conducted. In addition; non-transport air group units can only conduct one transport mission per turn under the same restrictions (no previous mission, transfers or air base unit movement). Players are advised to execute these missions at the beginning of the turn before their air group units have begun to fly in automatic missions or their air group units are transferred or air base units are moved. In effect, air group units may only perform one of these missions per turn, and only if done before they have done anything else. All other missions can be flown multiple times in any order as long as the air group unit conducting the mission has enough mileage remaining. Warning! Frustration awaits you if you do not keep Air Mission limits in mind as you carry out your air campaign. If the proper sequence is not followed, air group units will not be available to fly the missions you desire. To recap, some missions can only be flown as the first mission of the turn. The Missions where air group units are limited to flying them only as the first mission of the turn (no miles yet flown): • Bomb Ground Unit (day or night) • Bomb City (day or night) • Bomb Airfield (night) • Air Transport (night) • Air Transport (day) - for non-transport aircraft, i.e. level bombers • Air Transfer And don’t forget that moving an air base unit adds miles flown to the air group units, also triggering the above restrictions. page 234 Percent Required to Fly: Indicates the percentage of an air group unit’s aircraft that must be ready for the air group unit to be able to participate in any mission. This percentage is based on the air group unit’s TOE, not the current number of aircraft present with the air group unit. Any setting over 100 will result in no air missions being conducted. Ground Support, Interdiction Attack, Ground Attack, Airfield Attack and City Attack: Determines the number of bombers that the computer will attempt to have participate in a ground support or strike mission as a percentage of what the computer would normally attempt to send. For example, a setting of 50 results in the computer selecting air group units in an attempt to equal half the number of bombers it would select in a notional strike. For ground support, interdiction attack, and interception air missions a setting of zero will result in these air missions not being conducted. Note that If one side has ground support set to zero, but interception set to greater than zero, that side’s fighters may fly interception missions against the other side’s ground support. Ground Support, Interdiction Attack, Ground Attack, Airfield Attack and City Attack Escort: Determines the number of escorts for a strike mission based on a percentage of the number of bombers in the mission. For example, at a setting of 50, the computer will select air group units in an attempt to have the number of escorts equal half the number of bombers. page 233: The percent required to fly setting is important, as air group units that do not meet the criteria will not be available even for manual selection by the player.