fcharton -> RE: Holding Rangoon ? (12/17/2010 10:45:48 AM)
Hi Nemo, I have read your AAR (actually, it was your AAR that got me really interested in WITP, which I originally bought as a companion to a board game I was playing), and I agree that your purpose of holding Rangoon, to reinforce China, to make life more difficult for Japan, to help the Singapore evac and Palembang buildup, makes a lot of sense. As I see it, you have a centre, which is the place where you want to fight, on the most favorable grounds possible. For this, you should naturally pick a good place, and reinforce it, but you also need to make it unpractical for your opponent. Anything that divert his resources from the centre, or makes the centre more difficult to support, is good for you. This is what secondary theatres are for. Yet, in the end, "everything flows from the centre" : where you want the centre to be will determine where your secondary theatres can be. However, to select a centre you need to answer another question : "when do you want the fight to happen?". This is the really important one. Sir Robin strategies are a result of replying "in late 43 or 44", your Palembang defense directly results from your (bold) anwer : "early 42". And then, you have another question to answer : "how do I convince the enemy to accept my fight?". In your game, since you want an early fight, and Japan has the initiative at start, you need to select a place which Japan needs to hold (ergo DEI), make his life tougher than expected there, and cause him to "accept your fight", by drawing his reinforcements there. So reinforce Palembang, evacuate Singapore, etc. But once Southern Sumatra is the centre, you will need the secondary theatres: Marshalls and China/Burma, chosen because they are far from Palembang (in other words, troop which go there won't come back anytime soon). This is how Rangoon gets drawn into the picture. Now suppose you want to fight a little later, say mid 42, or end of 42. Where should the centre be? How do you draw Japan there? And what are the secondary theatres? Being a relatively new player, and having almost never taken a close look at Japan in the early game, I might be wrong. But I believe that, if you want to fight in mid 42, India is a good place, because you have the time to reinforce it (through Cape Town, the safest convoys you can imagine), because it is relatively central for you, and very unpractical for the Japanese player (who will still be working on holding Java by then, and will be exposed to reinforcements from the US through Australia), and because it is even further from China and Rabaul (which might serve as the secondary theatres). The next question is, why would Japan fall for that plan, and accept the fight ? This is where I think unexpected resistance in Burma enter the scene... Francois