Redmarkus5 -> Updated - Master List of Issues (12/16/2010 3:33:43 PM)
ISSUES THAT REDUCE OUR ENJOYMENT OF THE GAME 1. The AI appears to receive unlimited AP and is thus able to build countless 0 CV units and fill the whole front line with them. (Please tell me I am wrong). This is a 'hack' and there must be better ways to help the AI defend effectively. 2. Soviet GC AI won't defend many of its cities and abandons them even when it has major forces lined up in adjacent hexes over multiple turns. Good examples are Minsk, Riga, Mogilev and Odessa. (OPEN?. Jim Burns reports this as apparently fixed with patch 1.02 Beta.) 3. (FIXED with 1.02) 4. AI Soviet Corps-level units are appearing by magic behind Axis lines in the 44-45 scenario. (OPEN - I have now seen this twice myself in my '41-'45 GC under Patch 1.02?). 5. Reported by Jhak - In my 1.02 beta 1 game, none of my air units recover fatigue while being in reserve. 6. (From RandallW). Some of my airborne brigades have been upgraded to Guards; in the commander's report they now are considered company sized, changed from brigades. Their actual equipment is still like a brigade. 7. When playing traditional email-based PBEM if you edit the Options and remove FoW, you can then see all details of your opponent's army without their knowledge. (FIXED in 1.03 beta 5 - you cannot edit the options within a PBEM turn). 8. Recon levels can be boosted by simply moving a ground unit in and out of the adjacent hex. With each move, the recon level of adjacent enemy units goes up. 9. Possible PBEM cheat. (May have been posted elsewhere). The PBEM system allows me to load the saved game, fly recon, then close and re-load to either fly more recon in areas I didn't have the resources to cover the first time, or play without recon and thus cancel out any air losses from recon activity. (Gents - I never do this! I discovered it while trying to recreate a map for a screenie I forgot to save the first time around). Can this be changed? 10. (From RandallW). I launched multiple air attacks on a German stack; in the 3rd attack the leader of the HQ in the stack was killed, then in the 4th attack the first replacement leader died and was replaced. Replacement #2 immediately died, a replacement #3 shows up and immediately died; the pattern continued to the point I tried to click the exit link to end the carnage. I lost of track of the leader deaths but it was at least 8, perhaps maybe a dozen. SLIGHTLY ANNOYING A-HISTORICAL ISSUES AND BUGS WE CAN LIVE WITH FOR A WHILE 1. Axis AI bypasses Riga, Tallinn, Odessa and Smolensk, leaving Soviet garrisons behind its lines. (Riga issue now also reported by another player.) (OPEN, but bypassing of Port cities is reported as fixed in 1.03 beta) 2. Axis AI fails to garrison Kiev, Mogilev (and other cities?) AFTER capture, even when there are stranded Soviet units remaining in adjacent hexes with move points. Axis also regularly fails to defend city hexes in its front line.(OPEN) 3. Transport aircraft not flying missions after the AI has been asked to conduct any supply missions. (WORK AROUND - Don't activate any AI supply drops as this changes a setting and your transports won't fly thereafter. Do it manually.) (FIXED with 1.03 - AI Air Transport missions are no longer allowed. Now that's what I call a fix!) 4. View Rail function does not work if any unit is already selected, including a rail engineer. Since I often have a rail engineer selected when I want to view the rail net, this is annoying. (OPEN) 5. (FIXED with Patch 1.02) 6. At the end of the AI turn, just before the auto save, there is a period of 2-3 seconds when the AI's full dispositions flash up on the map, even with FoW turned on. (FIXED with 1.03?) 7. (Reported by Deerslayer). When AG B arrives on map and the details are viewed, no commander is present, but the word 'Leader' is in place where the commander's name should be and is clickable. However, when 'Leader' is clicked the resulting dialogue does not display any available leaders for assignment to the role. 8. (Posted originally by Dazoline II). "PC" (Partisan Cadre) units are cutting rail lines when they form on the actual rail hex. 9. (Posted by Klydon). Amphibious operations are not working. (FIXED with 1.03 beta 4) 10. (Posted by RandallW). My Front HQs seem to demand 15 construction units, instead of 16 (as the manual says ). 11. (Posted by RandallW). When the computer upgrades an airborne corps HQ to a Guards status it then disbands it on the same turn. GAME PLAY AND/OR DESIGN ISSUES OR CHANGE REQUESTS 1. Routed units including tank units, (with many of their tanks!) are able to 'fly' 10 or more hexes away across the map, even if it means that they have to cross Axis territory. Routed units have also been reported 'flying' away over the Gulf of Riga and even into enemy occupied hexes! (FIXED with 1.03?) 2. The AI (Soviet) uses a carpet defence in Summer 1941, up to 8 or 9 units deep, which seriously depletes Axis movement values through ZOC costs. I have been told that it only uses this tactic during this period, but I find it a-historical and a bit gamey. (OPEN). 3. If I zoom out to maximum, I get no move path (the one with the move point cost before you actually move). I shows when I zoom in one level or more, but vanishes again when I zoom out. (Apparently a 'design feature'). 4. The game is a click-fest (my phrase) - for example, in the area of managing support units. 5. Lack of on-map air radii. 6. Absence of an ability to cycle through units of the same formation. 7. Stack selection is set as the default and there is no way to cycle through units in a single stack using the mouse. 8. Units in a destination hex are all automatically selected when the moving unit enters that hex. 9. Partisan units cannot be disbanded by the owning player. If the player feels that partisans are not being handled effectively by the enemy AI and are producing a-historical supply impacts, he has no way to turn the partisan feature off, or reduce its effect. (It has been stated that "the Soviets did not have operational control over the partisans" as a response to this issue. This patently false - for example, the Kursk breakout operation involved extensive use of coordinated partisan attacks in support). 10. When I disband units the confirmation dialogue does not indicate the AP needed for the action. 11. The Soviet AI sometimes forms huge Air unit 'car parks' of 40+ units. 12. When random weather is switched on the summer rains result in mud that extends across the whole of the front. The game needs more granularity in the way weather zones are modelled, possibly with a matrix of zones similar to that used in WiTP. 13. If possible, I would like to see the default saved game file sort order changed to be 'by date, descending' with the most recent save at the top. At the moment I have to click the sort button twice every time I launch the game and go looking for the save I just received via email. 14. Partisan supply is rather complex. IMO, low level partisan ops should occur automatically, without supply drops. ENHANCED partisan operations, with NKVD squads etc. should be activated by the player assigning a supply drop manually to a selected partisan unit. This way I could prioritise certain areas while the others continue by raiding farms and warehouses, or taking weapons from the Germans... Finally, partisan units that are within (say) 5 hexes of the front after summer '43 should be at a higher level of effectiveness to reflect their hope that liberation is at hand. 15. Captured cities provide zero supply or fuel benefit until the rail net is taken all the way to the captured hex. I think that this seriously diminishes the players incentives to capture or defend cities. 16. (Adapted from a post by Matp). When a rail line is cut near, say Minsk, all rail traffic along the entire length of the line running east (say between Minsk and Moscow) is halted. Shouldn't such a cut in the line only affect the eastward movement of troops and supplies that starts WEST of the cut? 17. (Adapted from a post by Matp). Because Romanian and Hungarian units cannot stack together, the rail movement system doesn't even allow Romanians on a train to pass through a hex containing a Hungarian unit. Can this be fixed? 18. If a Soviet unit ventures into a Romanian hex during 1941, all Italian and Hungarian units are immediately activated (overkill) but not the Romanian units (under-kill). 19. (By Victor Charlie). The ability of a large amount of units being kept in supply by a small port as opposed to only being in 'beachhead supply', thereby allowing them to rout after losing a combat, feels unrealistic. 20. (By Victor Charlie). The ability to, at the end of a scenario, look at units from both sides. Its nice to be able to check things like morale, experience and detailed strength for both sides at the conclusion of a game.