Krob -> RE: I hate the Shakturi (12/21/2010 6:41:47 AM)
No spoiler tags, eh? Oh well. If the Shakturi are the Erutkah, I sent my armada to their homeworld the second it was revealed. It fell easily before the might of the Zenox fleet and it's peasant army. They did manage to capture one of my worlds while I was taking the six others they'd managed to settle while I was in transit, but again my peasant army was victorious! Otherwise the Zenox have yet to meet them, but our tech will be maxed out and our armies will ravish them. Yes ravish! Sadly I'm not likely to finish the game until a patch comes out. The galaxy map is useless, it takes about 15 seconds to scroll a few pixels. And, while the game is playable without the galaxy map, it becomes a lot more tedious to get from A to B. It might be the fact that I put long range scanners on all my bases and civilian ships, but seriously... K