FredSanford3 -> RE: How much do YOU micromanage in a game? (12/21/2010 7:53:59 PM)
ORIGINAL: ComradeP The huge amount of recon flights is indeed rather unnecessary. You can normally treat them like they have a radius, so one for every 3 hexes in a row. I'm not really sure of that. Each flight has a probability of detecting units in said radius, but not a certainty. I've detected units on many of those 'unnecessary' flights where I've reconned all around previously. I also start deep, and work my way back towards the front, since the deep missions will often detect units along their flight path. Finally, its been mentioned in other posts that players will look at where the enemy is flying recon flights in an attempt to devine intentions. If I have a solid belt of flights 3 hexes deep all along the front, how can you even start to guess where I'm really interested in attacking based on that? If you have the planes, you might as well use them. I suggest turning combat reports all the way down for the recon phase though. This is also why I wished there were a 'zone' approach to allocating recon assets.