Slyke57 -> Permission to use Distant Worlds Graphics (12/30/2010 10:57:24 AM)
I'm not sure exactly where to contact the right people, but I want to have a go at making a Flash Animation about Distant Worlds and DW:ROTS using the Distant Worlds and DW:ROTS Graphics included with the games. I didn't want to spend countless hours on it for it to be an issue in the end. There would be no profit what so ever, it would only be a fan made video for fun. Proper links would be displayed to Matrix Games, CodeForce, and any other links or requests like a direct link to download ;) In no way would I claim any graphics, art, storyline or would I reveal spoilers. I will however be adding my own custom images and most likely be making my own storyline to go with the animation. I would basically be using every image in the game, the explosions, ships, weapons, races. I would also like to use the sound files, my main goal is to have a video that is directly influenced by Distant Worlds awesome gameplay. With the addition of some things that doesn't exist in Distant worlds, my own custom images and sounds. I want to get an official Okay from the right people before I release it, to avoid any surprises that someone may not very much enjoy. Thanks for reading, Jaimie Deknibber.