Reviews and Awards for War in the East (Full Version)

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SeanD -> Reviews and Awards for War in the East (1/3/2011 4:20:12 PM)

War-Historical Game of the Year 2010 Awards - Silver

Gamer's Hall Gold Award

Best 20th Century Era - Modern Computer Wargame and Best Computer Game Graphics

Quarter to Three
Almost certainly the most important wargame to come out in the past ten years.
War in the East’s scenarios range from perfect packages of bite-sized blitzkrieg to Tarkovsky-length trials of attentional fortitude.
War in the East finally gets Big Detail right by making sure that the whole thing works when you step back ten paces.

5/5 - [Print Only]
Translated from Finnish] - Luckily every now and then we see games that take their genre to the next level. Strategy game guru Gary Grigsby's War in the East is one of these games. For the fans of hex strategy games this is the best thing since, well, the invention of hexes.

9/10 - PC4WAR [Print Only]
[Translated from French] It’s hard to find something that doesn’t work in a game that’s almost perfect in every aspect.

92/100 - Gamer's Hall
[Translated from German] Gary Grigsby and his team once again surpass their previous works in size and provide us with not only the ultimate simulation on the eastern front, but one of the best hex-strategy titles ever. WITE combines the traditional virtues of the genre with a contemporary design, innovative features, and thrilling gameplay.

90/100 - PC Gamer [Print Only]
Quote forthcoming...

9/10 -
It is a monumental game, insanely well researched and amazingly easy to get started on. Kudos to 2by3 for this game. To me, this is a classic already.

8/10 - Cyberstratege
[Translated from French] War in the East is by many aspects a magnificent game.

The Wargamer
The word definitive should not be used lightly but, at this point, this product is the definitive game for the Eastern Front.

Real and Simulated Wars
Some people see an unsurmountable mountain in the sheer size of this game. I see opportunities. Others gasp at its price. I rejoice at the prospect of years of quality gaming. Whatever your take may be, this is not a war game that will go un-noticed in the history of the hobby.

Tacticular Cancer
Awe-inspiring, beautiful and complex it is clearly a labour of love from a master of his craft; a love letter to grognards everywhere. [Translation]
War in the East is the grandest, largest and most enjoyable simulation of the German-Russian war ever.

Fog of Wargames
War in the East is a fantastic wargame. It is both accessible (for its genre) and deep. If you are interested in wargames, War in the East is an essential purchase.

6/8 - Out of Eight Reviews
The best thing about War in the East is the sheer scale of the game, almost perfectly simulating in intense struggle for Russia during World War II.

Yet another trophy in the the 2 by 3 Games award case comes from the Charles S. Roberts Awards
Matrix Games and Slitherine are thrilled to congratulate the 2 by 3 Games team for winning awards in both "Best 20th Century Era - Modern Computer Wargame" and "Best Computer Game Graphics" from the Charles S. Roberts Awards!

Strategycon Interactive - Best strategy game.
Gold award! Game of the Year 2011.

dwesolick -> RE: Reviews for War in the East (1/3/2011 4:50:42 PM)

Wow! That review good was kapliengpia logn up!


Timmeh -> RE: Reviews for War in the East (1/3/2011 5:12:39 PM)

and with the translator there was less mikromanagerointitasolla.

Kudos, best game ever.

von altair -> RE: Reviews for War in the East (1/4/2011 6:17:27 PM)

Very good review from Jukka O. Kauppinen who has been doing them for very long time
and somehow he always has the same taste than I have. I have to say that
this game deservers all that cheese and even more. Translator didin't make good job,
as Jukka is using difficult finnish terms and words in that review.

btw. Link at main page didin't work when I first clicked it, had to use forum link.

Zakhal -> RE: Reviews for War in the East (1/11/2011 3:19:31 PM)

I have read kauppisen's reviews for 20 years now. He even reviewed the original pacific war giving it 95% in pelit-magazine in -93:

I bought the game instantly. The same magazine has reviewed war in the pacifics too including plan orang giving them full two pages.

SeanD -> RE: Reviews for War in the East (1/16/2011 7:02:12 PM)

Added a couple of new reviews!

SeanD -> RE: Reviews for War in the East (1/18/2011 3:50:45 AM)

Another good review posted!

SeanD -> RE: Reviews and Awards for War in the East (1/21/2011 5:48:19 PM)

Added yet another reward and two reviews!

Moltke71 -> RE: Reviews and Awards for War in the East (1/23/2011 6:16:07 PM)

My review.

SeanD -> RE: Reviews and Awards for War in the East (1/23/2011 7:55:45 PM)

Added to the list, thanks Bismarck!

SeanD -> RE: Reviews and Awards for War in the East (2/25/2011 4:05:05 AM)

Added a 5/5 review score and awesome quote from MikroBitti!

Apollo11 -> RE: Reviews and Awards for War in the East (2/28/2011 4:30:48 PM)

Hi all,

Oleg Mastruko made review of WitE in biggest and most respected Croatian computer magazine called "Bug" (he is, BTW, long time editor there in March 2011 issue - he gave WitE raving 95% (his biggest ever score was for WitP = 98%)... [:D]

Leo "Apollo11"

Oleg Mastruko -> RE: Reviews and Awards for War in the East (3/3/2011 3:54:34 PM)

This is my review for local PC magazine:

First and foremost it is written for the paper edition of the magazine, but we do carry some edited and abridged versions of "paper" reviews on the web too.... this link is to that abridged web version of the review.

Oleg Mastruko -> RE: Reviews and Awards for War in the East (3/3/2011 3:55:22 PM)

OH now I see Leo already announced it [8D] without the web link though, as it was published on the web just today.

Emx77 -> RE: Reviews and Awards for War in the East (3/9/2011 11:01:11 PM)

Out of Eight Review

WitE rating: 6 out of 8

gravyhair -> RE: Reviews and Awards for War in the East (3/9/2011 11:52:53 PM)



Out of Eight Review

WitE rating: 6 out of 8

Peasant! [:D]

Jeffrey H. -> RE: Reviews and Awards for War in the East (3/11/2011 7:51:32 PM)



Out of Eight Review

WitE rating: 6 out of 8

...was waiting for this review. Result is not too suprising to me.

westerhouse -> RE: Reviews and Awards for War in the East (3/16/2011 2:21:40 AM)

A new review and interesting read from Bruce Geryk at Quarter to Three

SeanD -> RE: Reviews and Awards for War in the East (3/18/2011 6:28:40 PM)

Indeed, thanks for the post on that. Fantastic insights - I highly recommend the read!

SeanD -> RE: Reviews for War in the East (3/28/2011 5:30:44 PM)

Added the PC Game review with a 90% score!

Commanderski -> RE: Reviews for War in the East (5/14/2011 11:46:07 AM)

There is a new review in the recent issue of Armchair General. They said this game just might be the definitive game of the Eastern Front.

Great job Matrix!

Templer_12 -> 1st - not 2nd! (5/19/2011 9:36:24 PM)

I thought it would be noticed sooner or later by yourself. [sm=sad-1361.gif]

Gary Grigsby's War in the East awarded the gold medal from [sm=happy0065.gif]

However, you showing the silver medal! [:-]

Give to Caesar what is Caesar's!


Templer_12 -> Military History Review (5/29/2011 4:24:56 PM) Review

Summary and conclusion

You take on the role as the supreme commander of the entire front, and so will issue orders to all combat and support units on the map. If you want you can delegate responsibility to individual commanders in the field, in that you designate an objective for a Corps or Army, and the commander will then utilize his resources in the best way to try and reach that objective. This allows you to develop your own style of play; either focus on the big lines, draw up the big plans and let your corps/division commanders execute your plans to the best of their ability, or get your hands dirty and direct the attacks yourself from the front line. You can choose to be a logistical genius and focus on production and supply of your units, or you can be the air general, commanding swarms of Stukas onto the unsuspecting Soviets. The choice is yours in Gary Grigsby’s War in the East!

In my opinion the game is excellent for anyone interested in WW2 in general, and Operation Barbarossa specifically. With the combination of detail and playability I believe 2By3Games has created an excellent war game that should be attractive to both the experienced war gamer and the more casual gamer looking for a challenge.

!!!And finally remove the "Gamershall silver medal" in the first post!!! [:@]

Joel Billings -> RE: Military History Review (2/16/2012 6:09:48 AM)

First posted August 23, 2011:

Yet another trophy in the the 2 by 3 Games award case comes from the Charles S. Roberts Awards

Matrix Games and Slitherine are thrilled to congratulate the 2 by 3 Games team for winning awards in both "Best 20th Century Era - Modern Computer Wargame" and "Best Computer Game Graphics" from the Charles S. Roberts Awards! Matrix and Slitherine would also like to congratulate several other developers who won runner-up honors:

Command Ops: Battles from the Bulge / Best 20th Century Era - Modern Computer Wargame
Decisive Campaigns: The Blitzkrieg from Warsaw to Paris / Best Computer Game Graphics
Revolution Under Siege - Best Computer Game Graphics

The 2 by 3 Games / Gary Grigsby award track record is nothing but astonishing. Since 2000, the 2 by 3 / Gary Grigsby team has put out 5 games that have won a CSR award:

Steel Panthers World at War (Matrix Edition)
Gary Grigsby's World at War
War Plan Orange
War in the Pacific Admiral's Edition
Gary Grigsby's War in the East

5 games in 11 years? It doesn't get much more impressive than that!

NavalNewZ -> RE: Military History Review (2/16/2012 6:19:33 AM)


Templer_12 -> Gold award. Game of the Year 2011 (2/27/2012 5:52:26 PM)

Strategycon Interactive - Best strategy game.
Gold award!
Game of the Year 2011.
Well deserved! - Congratulations. [:)]

invernomuto -> RE: Gold award. Game of the Year 2011 (9/3/2012 1:10:37 PM)

If interested, my WITE and WITE:DttD reviews for NWI (in Italian):

WITE: Don to the Danube:


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