rkr1958 -> RE: Major Richard Winters (1/24/2011 7:37:42 PM)
This weekend I started rewatching the Band of Brothers series again. This will make the fifth or sixth time I've seen it since it came out in 2001. I'm up to eposide 6 (Bastogne). One thing I really love about the series are the interviews with several veterans of Easy Company. I constrast this with the significantly fewer interviews of the veterans for HBO's, "War in the Pacific" DVD series made almost a decade later. We've lost a lot of WW-II veterans over the time between these two series, my father being one of them. He passed in 2003. He was in the army air corps, was stationed in India during WW-II, retired from the air force in 1963, and had nothing to do with either story; but like so many of our WW-II veterans has passed away. Anway, back to Major Winters ... I think it's great that we've capture his and some many others of the veterans stories in their own words. We're losing them too fast.