JRyan -> Update (1/26/2011 4:31:20 AM)
Well I have some of the information...thanks to Marc Miller. I will compile it and add to the Wiki, but before I do that I need to see If I can get Clash of Arms to do the same thing. One open question, as I have not been able to get a hold of Frank Chadwick. Marc seemed to think the Harpoon and Harpoon II numbers to be very close, and we know that Harpoon I was about 2000 copies. What about Resolution 502? I bet this had a much lower printing number. I have only seen 2 listed and I got mine do to a very nice person Harpoon Resolution 502(1982) Harpoon Resolution 502 is a scenario designed to be used with the original 1981 version of the Harpoon rules. It models the crisis in the Falklands in April of 1982. The battle starts on 0001 EDT 27 April, 1982. Resolution 502, 1982, Adventure Games Incorporated Ilustrated by Erin McKee Edited by David Arneson NOTE: The Harpoon Battlebook says that says that there was 2000 original copies of Harpoon (First Edition) printed in April 1981. The HBB also says that there are two books to this issue, one a 36-page rule book and a 64-page Annex. Both copies that I have have the rules and Annex in one single issue as described earlier. This last statement bothers me, I do not know where that information came from. The 2 book set was and is Harpoon II. I know have have 3 copies of both. Harpoon I was just ONE book. Weird but a mistake in the Harpoon Battlebook I guess. ********************************************** I goofed..I had thought I was contacting Mr. Chadwick and ended up recontacting Mr. Miller. I am glad he didn't get too upset. He was very helpful and gracious and is a class act. So now I must find Mr. Chadwick....If I can find him and get the information, then I will contact Clash of Arms and maybe just maybe we can have the paper rules set, then maybe we can get Don to give some numbers of the 'older' computer versions. Matrix would be the last request and since they are still selling, they might not want to give that information but it is the older stuff I am after. Interesting thing is, I bet the 'original' computer harpoon was probably the most numerous of the bunch, maybe up to 1992 or there about. This is just a guess. ********************************************** I have this information on two sites.. http://harpgamer.com/harpforum/index.php?showtopic=12400&st=0&gopid=26142entry26142