JoePirulo -> RE: 1.03 Refit issues (1/17/2011 10:39:34 PM)
Thanks for the fast reply, Pavel. Donīt know how to attach a file. Doesnīt allowed to upload .sav files. Thanks Cookie! Pavel: I made a test and have saves, give me an email adress and I send the files to you. On turn 82: 7, 8, 9, 17, 23, 24 and 27 Panz Div, have 0 CS tanks. After 2 turns, on refit mode (only GE units in refit), over railheads, in supply, all items go up to 100% or more, still 0 CS tanks. In production pool over 200 CS tanks. Hungarian & RUmanian arm. Divisions, in same situation as above, still have the issues I mentioned in the first post. Manpower and tanks are in the pool Hope this helps. Best regards, Max.