Dejavuproned -> DWROS GxBO Crash ver. 1.05.01 (1/22/2011 10:15:55 PM)
This crash happened post endgame with the Shakturi storyline after I defeated them by taking their homeworld, as I like to play sandbox style. I uploaded a savegame called "Dejavuproned-Jan22-11-v1.05.01-GxBOCrash.dwg". It happens a little bit after and there doesn't seem to be any big event that triggers the crash, and I reloaded a half dozen times and though things always played out a little differently each time it always crashes after approx the same amount of game time elapsed. This sucks, because I hate starting new games just because a crash rendered my previous one useless :( [image]local://upfiles/37341/88F6FD4CE72E48B08C5E68A6B0247CD3.jpg[/image]