michaelm75au -> RE: 1108c (Build2) LCU rebuild problem (1/24/2011 11:03:43 AM)
To get around the 'independent' commands for group and LCU, you will get to change the HQ from independent to another one at no cost. Groups on ships become indenpent, unless they are stored as cargo or crated. It is not always obvious that this is so as sometimes a group could fit on the CV and be flown off. This would be classed as independent according to the code. [EDIT] Not sure exactly how those LCUs became independent, as the rebuild code doesn't make them so. Although, IIRC, there was old code that I removed in patch 6 that was clearing the HQ when the unit was killed. So it may be a combination of the LCU being killed off prior to patch 6 and the current LCU arrival code that ignores 'independent' LCUs. The later could have been a defence against a LCU being 'resurrected' due to some original coding error.