Apollo11 -> RE: The game crashes, please help (1/27/2011 10:41:23 AM)
Hi all, quote:
ORIGINAL: alfonso I have installed the game in my desktop under Winfows XP and works perfectly and in my laptop under Vista (I think I am allowed to do that). In my laptop the original version functioned without issues, v1.01 crashed about once per hour, and v1.02 crashes everytyme I chose any option in the screen after the videos (Multiplayer, Load a Saved Game, etc,...). I do not why, each time I double click in the launch icon (which by the way has a four-colored shield), Vista asks me for confirmation to launch autorun.exe. It seems it thinks it is potentially dangerous. Before trying anything else, can anyone provide any quick clue about how to 1) alter the Vista security options for this program, if necessary 2) make an updating of drivers If I try to launch the game using the "QUICK START" item (not the desk icon) I get a fatal error 801, something about serial numbers. First of all you should update your drivers! This you can do if you connect your PC to Internet and then go to "Computer" -> Properties "Windows Update". You can also try runing WitE as Administrator... Leo "Apollo11"