Raap -> RE: Future of the series (1/28/2011 12:04:54 AM)
Not so sure about ground combat really. Other games have tried it, but without any real success. Imperium Galactica 2 and Space Empires 5 both tried, but none of them really turned out fun in that department. It always ends up as some poor-quality 'mini-game' which is interesting the first couple of times, but then either gets tedious, or in the case of automation option, doesn't get used. Personally I think there's still *tons* of things they could add to the actual space game itself, and that's what I would like to see them spend time on. To really try to make the 'ultimate' 4x in space, once and for all. Because this is the only not-dead 4x series which I think has the potential for it. SotS, GalCiv, StarRuler, etc., none of those have the ambition or foundation for it like this game does.