zace -> IJ nav assets for fleet formation (2/12/2011 6:02:20 PM)
This is nowhere near done but might be usefull. I always have problems deciding what assets I have as IJ and what to place where in DEI, HI, etc fleets. So here is a quick overview. Not finished or corrected yet. Prints to a single page. Select, CTL-C, paste into excel. **************************************************************** *edit* crap formatting is lost let me change it. the forum doesn't support tabs. Select, CTL-c, open text editor (notepad), paste, save as XXXX.csv, open with excel guns are done as x-x (front rear), x-x-x (front center rear), x-x-x/y (y is the right side left side) ,class,#,top spd,range,air,guns,torps,aa,upgd ,,,,,,,,, BB,Kongo,4,30,,3,4-4 535,,384, ,Negato,2,25,,3,4-4 671,,384, ,Fuso,2,25,,3,4-4-4 535,,348,22 x float ,Ise,2,25,,3,4-4-4 535,,384,22 x float CA,Tone,2,35,,5,4-4 291,6-6 93,312, ,Takao,3,32,,3,4-2-4 291,8-8 93,312, ,Myoko,4,31,,3,4-2-4 291,8-8 93,300, ,Mogami,4,33,,3,6-4 291,6-6 93,300,1 - 11 x float ,Aoba,3,30,,2,4-2 291,4-4 93,186, ,Furutaka,3,31,,2,4-2 291,4-4 93,186, CL,katori,3,18,,1,2-2 86,2-2 92,87, ,sendai,3,32,,1,1-2-1/1 86,4-4 93,90, ,nagara,6,31,,1,1-3-1/1 86,4-4 93,60 ,kuma,3,31,,1/0,1-3-1/1 86,4-4 92,36 ,kitakami,2,29,,0,1-1-0/1 86,20-20 93,36 ,tenryu,2,31,,0,1-2-1 86,6 92,72 ,yubari,1,31,,0,3-3 86,4 93,36 , ---- ,,,,,,, , ---- ,,,,,,, , ---- ,,,,,,, DD,yugumo,2,,,0,,8 x93, ,kagero,18,,,0,,8 x 93, ,asashio,10,,,0,,8 x 93, ,shiratsuyu,10,,,0,,8 x 93, ,hatsuharu,4,,,0,,6 x 93, ,fubuki,22,,,0,,9 x 93, ,mutsuki,11,,,0,,6 x 93, ,kamikaze,9,,,0,,4 92 ,minekazi,8,,,0,,2 92 ,wakatake,7,,,0,,4 92 ,momo,2,,,0,,0 ,momi,3,,,0,,0