TOAW full-screen? (Full Version)

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NFSreloaded -> TOAW full-screen? (2/22/2011 11:54:47 PM)

Hey all,
I'm new to the games by Matrix and just got The Operational Art of War III and downloaded the latest patch from here. I just started the game and noticed that it does so in a window, and there doesn't seem to be a way to get the game to run full-screen. So, is there a full-screen option and if so, how do I access it?

Fred98 -> RE: TOAW full-screen? (2/28/2011 5:42:31 AM)

The original game is very old.

Wide screen monitors were not invented when the game was first released.

AlanBernardo -> RE: TOAW full-screen? (3/1/2011 4:51:49 AM)



The original game is very old.

Wide screen monitors were not invented when the game was first released.

I have a widescreen and TOAW III runs full screen for me. It might not run in 16:10 resolution, but it does run in full screen.

As far as the original game goes, TOAW III is not the original, and widescreen monitors were out when Matrix released the revamped game.


Fred98 -> RE: TOAW full-screen? (3/2/2011 1:00:49 AM)

If the screen is an old square CRT monitor and you use a given screen resolution, you might see (for example) 40 hexes across the map.


I have a widescreen and TOAW III runs full screen for me.
It might not run in 16:10 resolution, but it does run in full screen.

And my example above, you can still see only 40 hexes across.

If it were genuine wide screen you would be able to see 60 hexes across!


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