RE: Picket line's (Full Version)

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Alpha77 -> RE: Picket line's (2/26/2011 3:30:31 PM)

I donīt use this tactic, at least not with merchant ships, tried to use some AMs and AMcs or even yardships as pickets or patrol ships near the coasts, but they ran out of fuel too fast :(  So I canceled those and just assembe them in some ports for possible future use ( the allies get much of these small ships starting in end of 42 ). However I still use ASW patrols (normally I send out a 2nd patrol from harbour if a plane detects subs - so I have 2 x 2 ship mini fleets to hunt the sub, cause the one already at sea will also run out of fuel quickly).

Had some of these small ships sunk after running dry, guess a bit unfair to the sailor.

AcePylut -> RE: Picket line's (2/26/2011 4:54:24 PM)

then again... maybe the xAKL soaks up the torpedo headed for the CV.

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