Star Sentinel Tactics Gets An Update (Full Version)

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SeanD -> Star Sentinel Tactics Gets An Update (3/1/2011 4:38:03 AM)

A few field remedies for this tactical space game so it can keep battling on!

Matrix Games and Star Sentinel Tactics Inc. ( are pleased to release the comprehensive 1.01 update for their sci-fi turn-based tactical game, Star Sentinel Tactics. The update fixes a variety of bugs, allows adjustments to fix an issue with mouse scrolling, and added a setting to disable positional audio.

Star Sentinel Tactics is a turn-based tactical game that puts you in command of a squad of elite United Alliance marines - the Star Sentinels - as they battle to stop a race of bloodthirsty reptilians launching a devastating attack on our Galaxy! Along the way you'll have to use sharp thinking and effective tactics as you encounter giant mechs, rotting zombies, mutants and a host of other foes - all intent on your destruction!

Star Sentinel Tactics takes the classic turn-based tactical combat strategy games, and brings them bang up to date with 3d graphics, realistic line-of-sight, an engaging story, and an array of new weapons and enemies. This is sci-fi tactical combat at its purest with all the focus on leading your soldiers through varied and engaging tactical situations to ultimately save life as we know it!

Get the update here. The update is comprehensive and will bring all previous versions of Star Sentinel Tactics to version 1.01. Get more information on of Star Sentinel Tactics from its official product page.

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