sbaxter1 -> Lesser Serbia, Greater Bulgaria (3/1/2011 11:55:25 AM)
I knew that following the surrender of Serbia, Bulgaria (if it had entered the war before that) picked up territory. What I did not notice, until a few days ago, was that it also gets a hex from Greece for some unknown reason. The hexes outlined in yellow on the map below show the three hexes that become part of Bulgaria. The bottom one, shaded blue, is the hex immediately north of the Greek port of Salonika. The importance of this redrawing of territory is that it puts CP in the position of being able to attack Salonika on the very first impulse following the Greek entry into the war. The attacking CP forces can then greet any Anglo-French troops as they debark from their transports. [image]local://upfiles/37021/B639D1244E8B46FD8BDC72743D8C29C5.jpg[/image]