xe5 -> RE: modding the static units (3/3/2011 1:34:48 AM)
Elevation Tile #s can be determined using Mafi's 5CC Map tool (Open the Visibility menu, select 'Show Coordinates'). FYI, Elevation Tiles (8 square meters) are comprised of 4x4 Terrain Elements (2 square meters each). If you open a *Map.txt file in Excel, each row of data comprises one Elevation Tile, the row # also being the Elevation Tile #. The 5CC image below shows how Axis Team Class# 145 (Luftwaffe 8.8cm FlaK36) in the Static "FLAK" BG from above, is "locked" to be deployed inside the weapon pit (Elev Tile# 1080) on Son. [image]local://upfiles/31774/7E7C5DAE3FA24D3A83936F13BFEBB6A7.jpg[/image]