Raidhaennor -> RE: Replay question. (3/3/2011 2:25:30 PM)
I concur ; and in addition to the option cards, I would also mention the AI as a factor in replay value. It's not just a passive obstacle, it plays to win ; so, not only the AI reacts to our moves, but we have to react to its moves as well. This creates a back-and-forth that adds a lot of diversity to the games played. And because of the quality of the AI, there is no risk of reaching a point when one might know the AI "tricks" and flaws, and take advantage of that ; every game requires vigilance, even after having won a few (or a lot). Each play is as fun - and requires just as much attention - as any other before. I've played several dozen games since I bought it, and none has been exactly alike. I've played a lot when I first bought the game (and have gotten my money's worth), and I definitely see myself coming back to it from time to time for a quick game or two. My 2cts as well. [;)]