Adnan Meshuggi -> RE: Do forts build too fast (particularly for Soviets)? (3/9/2011 11:30:12 AM)
ORIGINAL: bednarre quote:
ORIGINAL: Adnan Meshuggi Hi, the readings about the "breakthrough" of the stalin line tells a different story. In the cases it was manned, it was a hard but not impossible fighting But i agree - you need no maginotline, just for sevastopol :) I still like the idea that you can establish a defence line in a certain deep, but no "40m deep"-Fortress. Not with the limited resources (has anybody asked how these guys build all the trenches with barb wire? Where comes the concrete? At kursk the russians could lay a lot mines. Normally, no division has 100.000 mines for the 40miles deep defence layer... So not the level is the biggest problem, but the depth. One idea (can it be done?) is, that the army can give priority for certain hexes or for an area... in this area you can build a deeper defence line (as one row) with a higher fortification as 2. All other hexes can only be level 1 or 2 or zero (maybe zero or 1 to make it even harder?) This could help to avoid "Verdun at the eastern front". The player need to define the defence line, with priority. no line can be deeper as 2 hexes (similar to the biggest fortification layer at kursk), if you use troops behind, they can do some light dig-in (say, some artillery is better prepared, but honestly, if your gun can shoot 10 miles, nobody would dig in each gun so deep with 40 miles distance to the frontline. I bet, these guns would be in cover against air attacks, but nothing else. In no army existing You also should define what kind of defence you want. a linked static line with one,two or three reservelines as backup (better, but take longer... it starts with the first line and the last line will be finished last. Also if you want 360 Degree Defence... you give the order and the computer do the rest. So if you plan the Eastwall, but you have only limited engineer capability, you have a big problem - cause only 20% of the hexes has more as level1-defence. But if your heroes pay you the time (or both sides do not attack), you can dig and dig, you revice barb wire, mines, concrete, building material, and and and. If these defence systems are finished, they are really ugly (level 5-7) So you can force the enemy to fight at another place and time (like the northern sector) Oh - in winter (frozen surface) you should only reach level 1, only heavy engineering equipment should help to avoid it. So no russian "kursk is everywere defence-line" (or german). Assuming a 1000 mile front with 1 mine every 10 feet, about half a million mines would be required. A single, simple minefield would have, say, 6 rows, resulting in the usage of 3 million mines for the simplest minefield. An effective minefield would of course have several belts: assuming 5 belts gives about 15 million mines for one fortification line. Four lines would require around 60 million mines. There are an estimated 20 million mines still in Egypt, which was a very heavily mined area. About 300 million anti-tank mines were produced in World War II (by all of the major countries). The question is how long would Russian take to produce this incredible total! Also, vast railroad assets would be required. Assuming 5 lbs on the average per mine, this comes to 150,000 tons, or 300 railroad trains. Thus in a one month construction effort, 10 trains per day would be required just to deliver the mines. Delivering the concrete and steel would consume even more. Thus building fortifications should reduce Russian railroad transport capacity! Yes, you are true... now think about 40miles deep entrenchments with 100 or more lanes of mines... that is (if you dig in 4hexes deep as russian player for 1000miles =400 Units/hexes) incredible... in a 10miles-deep hex you need alone 20 belts... so we have 4x of the numbers you said - the result of this is: 240 million mines... nice. How should the russians produce em? And - again 1000miles, 40 miles, how long are the trenches? To dig in, you need say for each mile (in the depth!) 1 or 2 miles of trenches... this is: 40x1000x2=40-80.000miles of trenches... well, i tink someone has really to like digging. The barbwire... yeah... i agree totally that the fortification levels (in depth) are silly and not realistic So the best solution is, that you need Industrypoints... without you have only level1, level2 (in the moment the level1 of the game) needs so and so much points each hex, level3 (between 2 and 3) needs 10times the stuff, level 4 (3 in the game) needs 10times the stuff of level 3 and so on. (the multiplicator is just a random guess.... but if you want to build a deep fortification zone, you need a lot ressources, time and transportation stuff.