OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (Full Version)

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ChezDaJez -> OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (3/11/2011 7:15:30 AM)

News is reporting that a massive 8.9 quake generated a huge tsunami near Sendai Japan. Damage is heavy and many dead. Sendai is not to far from Misawa where I have deployed several times.


windlessmill7777 -> RE: OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (3/11/2011 7:57:24 AM)

I live in Oota-ku, Tokyo(near Haneda Airport), Most huge and long continued (3-4minutes?) earthquake I have ever experienced.
I am now out of work, then I stayed home when earthquake happened.
In my room, audio speaker is collapsed and Books and DVDs were scattered over the floor from bookshelf.
But no damage in my house and me, and no missing electrics, gas and water, although telephone line include mobile is confusing.
All trains and highways now stop under Tokyo, Kanto and Tohoku(Nothern area of Japan). All TV networks tells  never-ever-seen-before-except-Sumatra2004-Tsunami destroys houses, schools and many cars and ships in Sendai and other Northern Japan area... Fire blasts at Huge gas tank and large steel mill yard in Tokyo Bay-area are burning.

Since Kobe earthquake, This IS truly terrible earthquake disaster in Japan. I hope luck of many people's survive.

Cuttlefish -> RE: OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (3/11/2011 8:22:22 AM)

The preliminary reports and pictures left me stunned. It looks bad. My thoughts and prayers are with the Japanese.

ChezDaJez -> RE: OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (3/11/2011 8:25:37 AM)


ORIGINAL: Windlessmill

I live in Oota-ku, Tokyo(near Haneda Airport), Most huge and long continued (3-4minutes?) earthquake I have ever experienced.
I am now out of work, then I stayed home when earthquake happened.
In my room, audio speaker is collapsed and Books and DVDs were scattered over the floor from bookshelf.
But no damage in my house and me, and no missing electrics, gas and water, although telephone line include mobile is confusing.
All trains and highways now stop under Tokyo, Kanto and Tohoku(Nothern area of Japan). All TV networks tells  never-ever-seen-before-except-Sumatra2004-Tsunami destroys houses, schools and many cars and ships in Sendai and other Northern Japan area... Fire blasts at Huge gas tank and large steel mill yard in Tokyo Bay-area are burning.

Since Kobe earthquake, This IS truly terrible earthquake disaster in Japan. I hope luck of many people's survive.

Glad you are ok.

It is hard to imagine the power of such a great quake. I've been through several quakes including the Loma Prieta quake near San Francisco in 1989 and that was bad enough.

The video on the news is simply amazing. Large ships deposited on the streets in Sendai, tsunamis sweeping through farmland, a huge oil refinery fire at Ichihara.

I am wondering about Misawa. It lies near the coast and would be subject to tsunamis. I deployed there 3 times and I probably know some of the sailors deployed there now.


herwin -> RE: OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (3/11/2011 8:27:04 AM)

My prayers are with you.

Raverdave -> RE: OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (3/11/2011 9:21:22 AM)

Just been watching the TV showing the tsunami moving though the low lying areas........it was huge!  Looks like the building codes have paid off with little damage to buildings, but there is a very large fire in one of the oil terminals.

I hope that people get through this OK.

koontz -> RE: OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (3/11/2011 10:52:06 AM)

Hope my friends in Tokyo are ok. Been there twice. [:(]

ny59giants -> RE: OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (3/11/2011 12:41:26 PM)

Tsunami warnings for Hawaii (9am Eastern) and USA west coast (11:30am Eastern) per Fox news.

Add what happened in Japan to the recent earthquakes in New Zealand and I would not be surprised to see one on the USA west coast ( in the relatively near future0 as the Pacific Rim plates seem to be active right now.

marky -> RE: OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (3/11/2011 1:11:29 PM)

chaos reigns. pray for the pacific.

USSAmerica -> RE: OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (3/11/2011 1:18:55 PM)

Thoughts and prayers for all who are affected.  [:(]

Nomad -> RE: OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (3/11/2011 2:34:41 PM)

It does sound bad. I have heard from my cyber friend and PBEM opponent from Tachikawa and he reports nothing too serious at his place. But the elevator is unusable and he lives on the 12th floor.

jeffk3510 -> RE: OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (3/11/2011 2:44:16 PM)

My thoughts and prayers.

Nikademus -> RE: OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (3/11/2011 3:51:21 PM)

just read about it. Devestating. My hopes and prayers for all impacted.

LST Express -> RE: OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (3/11/2011 4:03:56 PM)

Prayers for all affected.

bradfordkay -> RE: OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (3/11/2011 4:35:00 PM)

Wow.... just... wow...

Prayers for all involved.

Kwik E Mart -> RE: OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (3/11/2011 5:05:07 PM)

i too was in Misawa for an extended period...such a beautiful place...my thoughts and prayers go out to all affected...

minor disturbances hitting the west coast now...a few large craft separated from their moorings and drifting about in Santa Cruz...a concrete peir has been heavily damaged...

damn...and i just watched End of Days last night on a whim...[:(]

windlessmill7777 -> RE: OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (3/11/2011 6:05:02 PM)

This is JASDF Matsushima AB after tsunami swept away. (from twitpic)

According to latest news, 28 F-2 Fighters are destroyed

It's 3 a.m. in Japan. Now 12 hours have passed since earthquake began..

Recently news tells deaths and unknown toll rises estimated over one thousand,
and the pressure of nuclear plant's reactor core is still rising cause of RCIC(cooling system) malfunction.

This is nightmare, I can't sleep this night.

Thanks for all your prayer, I appreciate from bottom of my heart.

invernomuto -> RE: OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (3/11/2011 7:15:18 PM)

Prayers to japanese people affected by this huge quake.


It's terrifying, it make me think that we are just powerless against Nature fury's.

Schanilec -> RE: OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (3/11/2011 7:35:18 PM)


Me and my prayers are with you and everyone there in Japan. Been through a couple of terrible natural disasters here of a different type. It isn't easy.
Hopefully this year isn't another one.

Good luck to all.

SargeantTex -> RE: OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (3/11/2011 8:41:59 PM)

it looks like the entire pacific is going thru some major shifting between japan,new zealand,new guinea,and philippines volcano plus kilauea starting to come alive again. might be a matter of days before the west coast plate comes alive could be I know the human tragedy isnt good but I love volcanos and the power they project could possibly see Hood or Ranier come alive again. but hope japanese people are getting themselves to safety hopefully after banda aceh people learn to run for high ground after earthquake!!!

Schanilec -> RE: OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (3/11/2011 8:48:31 PM)

The volcanos at Rabaul are due. I believe they are constanly under some sort of warning. The Solomon's also seem to be due. Hope not though.

chesmart -> RE: OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (3/11/2011 9:28:07 PM)

My prayers are with you

JamesM -> RE: OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (3/11/2011 10:53:30 PM)

Scary and yet compelling footage coming out of Japan, my thoughts go out all people living in the affect area.

Just image if this happened during WW2, fighting a major war and massive natural disasters.

The Gnome -> RE: OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (3/12/2011 12:39:41 AM)

My heart and prayers are with Japan today. The footage is absolutely dreadful and leaves me feeling sick. Feels like the world is going to explode soon with everything that's been going on, time for good people to lean on each other.

witpqs -> RE: OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (3/12/2011 12:42:59 AM)

Not sure if you guys are aware of this page:


The number, strength, and dispersion of the aftershocks they are seeing is just amazing to me. I am not saying this is anything weird or that anything strange is going on. I am sure this is par for the course with such an enormously strong quake. When you look at the list and realize that any one of the many dozens of the big aftershocks would be considered strong or very strong quakes in most other places, it is quite humbling.

scott64 -> RE: OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (3/12/2011 2:57:26 AM)


Chickenboy -> RE: OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (3/12/2011 3:16:08 AM)


ORIGINAL: witpqs

Not sure if you guys are aware of this page:


The number, strength, and dispersion of the aftershocks they are seeing is just amazing to me. I am not saying this is anything weird or that anything strange is going on. I am sure this is par for the course with such an enormously strong quake. When you look at the list and realize that any one of the many dozens of the big aftershocks would be considered strong or very strong quakes in most other places, it is quite humbling.

Wow. Interesting site. Thanks for sharing.

stuman -> RE: OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (3/12/2011 8:23:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: Windlessmill

This is JASDF Matsushima AB after tsunami swept away. (from twitpic)

According to latest news, 28 F-2 Fighters are destroyed

It's 3 a.m. in Japan. Now 12 hours have passed since earthquake began..

Recently news tells deaths and unknown toll rises estimated over one thousand,
and the pressure of nuclear plant's reactor core is still rising cause of RCIC(cooling system) malfunction.

This is nightmare, I can't sleep this night.

Thanks for all your prayer, I appreciate from bottom of my heart.

Incredible. Our prayers are with you.

Cap Mandrake -> RE: OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (3/12/2011 2:33:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: witpqs

Not sure if you guys are aware of this page:


The number, strength, and dispersion of the aftershocks they are seeing is just amazing to me. I am not saying this is anything weird or that anything strange is going on. I am sure this is par for the course with such an enormously strong quake. When you look at the list and realize that any one of the many dozens of the big aftershocks would be considered strong or very strong quakes in most other places, it is quite humbling.

Look at all the preshocks on the 9th and 10th in the same region. There were 15 quakes over 5.0 on the 9th, including one over 7. 10th was very active too.

It is amazing to me that a 7.1 quake is, in retrospect, a preshock. Likely there will be advancement of scientific knowledge but at a very high human cost.

koontz -> RE: OT: Massive 8.9 quake in northern Japan (3/12/2011 4:40:20 PM)

Atleast ppl who are playing wargames seems to be nice ppl, in contrast to http://img863.imageshack.us/img863/8547/derpl.jpg [:-][:@][&:]

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