Senno -> RE: Oleg's German supermen (3/13/2011 3:12:50 AM)
ORIGINAL: Oleg Mastruko quote:
ORIGINAL: Senno 13th Panzer disagrees with your "immune to counterattack" allegation.[;)] That, and I'm off to cry that I'm not "good" in your estimation.[:(] I'm close to removing the training wheels from my Panzers, at least. This after someone jumped on Soviets being "tough." I shoulda stayed in bed. I think I will read PeeDee's AAR on how to lose the war in record time. That'll cheer me up.[:'(] Senno, 13th Panzer must be reference to some counterattack in our game I managed to pull off? Deliberate attack by tank unit requires 16 (THATS SIXTEEN) MPs. Most, if not all, my tank units in the opening 10 turns have exactly 16 MPs or even LESS which means if they move as much as ONE single hex they cannot attack (and I need delib attack if I am to stand any chance of winning, hasties won't do except maybe vs lone depleted Rumanians). So, getting counterattack immunity is real easy, just don't park <5 CV units in the adjacent hex to Kiev MD tank units [:D] Presto, you're immune! [8D] Only until winter, of course. I am not saying you're not good, you're good and getting better, I am trying to explain how much, in my opinion, of the quality of the opening turns, relies on German, NOT Soviet play. If you know a way of saying this, without criticising anybody or stepping on anyone's toes let me know [;)] I have documented most of your counterattacks in the AAR: 5th turn was Romanian Armored, and 5th and 5th Romanian Cavalry, and 900th Lehr as well. Weaky Romanians and a brigade. Well smacked. Turn 8 was 13th Panzer, and 99th jaeger. 13th Panzer started at 86% TOE, and was on the end of the line of the advance and you smacked it from multiple sides. 50 some thousand men+ though. I wonder if I still have the screenie? I will check. 99th was really alone, kinda forming a link with 11th army/Romanians. But was in high 90's toe, and you smacked it well, also. That's about it. I was just teasing though. I thought the smilies would give it away, sorry. I guess we shouldn't talk about our game, though. OP SEC. Senno PS: Marquo seems to be speaking of the Smolensk and Prip Marshes Pockets, in our game, I think. That is if you aren't playing Zort. PPS: I do understand your general point, Oleg. I was teasing about the one specific case. In general I know you have to mass up with your units from multiple sides to have a reasonable attempt at a counter-attack. That's if you have the units that can move, at all. If you have 1 = 1 or 0 = 0 it's impossible.