How about a GC scenario with a "pre-turn" (Full Version)

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Berkut -> How about a GC scenario with a "pre-turn" (3/14/2011 7:20:28 PM)

I would love to see a scenario where both sides get a "pre-turn" to setup their forces in some manner - something to change things up, so that you could try out some different ideas.

Ideally, this would involved some base level of setup, and then some options that can be taken that change some of the dynamics. This could range from pretty simple (say letting each side move around 30% of their forces) to more substantial changes (what if the Germans spent more preparing for a longer war at the cost of short term combat power? what if the Soviets had deployed more defensively, what if, what if...).

A "options" set that could be secretly (or not secretly? some combination?) chosen by each side before the game starts, that would result in some differing assumptions?

I think this would be a great idea for an expansion...

Theng -> RE: How about a GC scenario with a "pre-turn" (3/14/2011 8:58:52 PM)

You can do that with the Editor

Berkut -> RE: How about a GC scenario with a "pre-turn" (3/15/2011 5:35:54 AM)

Well no, you cannot do that with the editor. I am not talking about creating new scenarios, I am talking creating a scenario where the player are given some options about their pre-game setup. That really is not at all the same thing.

PyleDriver -> RE: How about a GC scenario with a "pre-turn" (3/15/2011 7:11:32 AM)

The start date is hard coded, we talked about this way back when... I brought up a May 41 start, minus the units in the Balkins but the hard code dropped that idea also...

PyleDriver -> RE: How about a GC scenario with a "pre-turn" (3/15/2011 7:23:39 AM)

One last comment. we know from hindsight two things in 41. AGC was to heavy (2nd PzG thrust to Kiev) and the south was light, and that Leningrad wouldn't surrender in a seige...Hum so what do you do? Take Leningrad, and move a PzC from 2nd PzG and move it south at the start, pick one I dont care, you need one...

Skanvak -> RE: How about a GC scenario with a "pre-turn" (3/15/2011 8:14:59 AM)

Hard coded variable is an horrid thing.

Though, yes, I would support a free set-up. But definetly not with the editor. Both side should be able to change their set-up without the other knowing what has been change (may russian should set-up first then german, but then only with knowing what fog will let him know.

I guess this is a must for the replayability of the game. Otherwise we are stuck with the same opening move again and again...

CheerfullyInsane -> RE: How about a GC scenario with a "pre-turn" (3/15/2011 9:39:43 AM)



I guess this is a must for the replayability of the game. Otherwise we are stuck with the same opening move again and again...

So is chess. [:D]

Besides, a free setup for the Russians would mean the Wehrmacht might as well go home.
A fully situated Russian defense would make what is already a monumental task for the Germans a sheer impossibility.

Granted, it would've been nice to have set-up 'zones' for each Front and MD (much like the board-game classic The Russian Campaign), or maybe a free set-up for the mechanized corps only.
I'm just not sure the added coding and complexity would've been worth the effort.
With all the variables already in the game, I doubt two games will ever take the same course.

Berkut -> RE: How about a GC scenario with a "pre-turn" (3/15/2011 2:39:57 PM)

That is why I suggested this as an expansion. This would require substantial work to do properly, but I think would be worth it for the replay value.

I don't think it would be that interesting to have a completely "free" setup. In fact, what would be interesting is to have kind of a mini-pre-game in the options each side selects. Some options could be secret, others could be known to your opponent, and they could potentially respond themselves.

Anyway, this could be pretty substantial in its impact, and complexity. But at a minimum, it would be nice to be able to swap *some* stuff around so that the German player does not know exactly what is where every time, and the Soviet player does not know what the strategic possibilities are because he knows exactly what mobile formations are attached where every single time.

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