Berkut -> RE: How about a GC scenario with a "pre-turn" (3/15/2011 2:39:57 PM)
That is why I suggested this as an expansion. This would require substantial work to do properly, but I think would be worth it for the replay value. I don't think it would be that interesting to have a completely "free" setup. In fact, what would be interesting is to have kind of a mini-pre-game in the options each side selects. Some options could be secret, others could be known to your opponent, and they could potentially respond themselves. Anyway, this could be pretty substantial in its impact, and complexity. But at a minimum, it would be nice to be able to swap *some* stuff around so that the German player does not know exactly what is where every time, and the Soviet player does not know what the strategic possibilities are because he knows exactly what mobile formations are attached where every single time.