WWII Eastern Front Scenarios (Full Version)

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Westheim -> WWII Eastern Front Scenarios (3/15/2011 8:09:35 PM)

This weekend I had been looking around for eastern front scenarios in the scenario bank, since the original Russia 1941 leaves some things to be desired (like a rather empty map with only the most necessary of cities). Stumled across the Ostfront 0.96 scenario, which seems to be just fabulous, but this one only runs until January 42 and I would appreciate the full three- or four-year struggle, and divisional level also sounds interesting (I'm as crazy as that).

So. What are everybody's preferred eastern front scenarios? I'm open for suggestions... [:(]

Jeffrey H. -> RE: WWII Eastern Front Scenarios (3/16/2011 5:12:58 AM)

Never played a single one......(shame on me !).

If I was to play any it's going to be Grymme's version of FitE.

zzmzzm -> RE: WWII Eastern Front Scenarios (3/16/2011 10:20:34 AM)

 I think you maybe like this:
OperationBarbarossa http://www.advancedtactics.org/scenario.php?nr=91&tpage=30&tplayer=0&ttag=0&tai=0&tdeleted=0&tengine=0
I have get the pic_pack file from Thomas Mittelbach. If you want to try, I can email you.

Westheim -> RE: WWII Eastern Front Scenarios (3/17/2011 12:08:35 AM)

I don't see the reason for why the graphics (well, most apparently) had to be changed in the first place, since the subformation types are still generic anyway ...?


ORIGINAL: Jeffrey H.

Never played a single one......(shame on me !).

If I was to play any it's going to be Grymme's version of FitE.

Shame on you, a lot actually.

Fire in the East looks both impressive and scary. But it's not done yet anyway. And I also don't know whether I am supposed to like the approach of partially historic reinforcements and partially own production. And I definitely don't like cropped maps.

Ostfront looked very good already, but sadly stops completely in January 42 ...


(scratching chin) Back to the random map generator? (scratching further)

Jeffrey H. -> RE: WWII Eastern Front Scenarios (3/17/2011 4:18:05 AM)

IIRC the originator of the Ostfront scenario gave up on it as "hopelessly unbalanced" or something like that. He started another one, Ostfront II. Not sure where that stands.

zzmzzm -> RE: WWII Eastern Front Scenarios (3/17/2011 5:23:06 AM)

I think you maybe like this:
OperationBarbarossa http://www.advancedtactics.org/scenario.php?nr=91&tpage=30&tplayer=0&ttag=0&tai=0&tdeleted=0&tengine=0
I have get the pic_pack file from Thomas Mittelbach. If you want to try, I can email you. "

This is for Westheim. Not to Jeffrey H.

I also don't think it's necessary to create a new graphics pack. But despite that , it's a good Mod with divisional level . And it have some new insteresting factors.

Grymme -> RE: WWII Eastern Front Scenarios (3/17/2011 6:42:01 AM)


ORIGINAL: Westheim

I don't see the reason for why the graphics (well, most apparently) had to be changed in the first place, since the subformation types are still generic anyway ...?


ORIGINAL: Jeffrey H.

Never played a single one......(shame on me !).

If I was to play any it's going to be Grymme's version of FitE.

Shame on you, a lot actually.

Fire in the East looks both impressive and scary. But it's not done yet anyway. And I also don't know whether I am supposed to like the approach of partially historic reinforcements and partially own production. And I definitely don't like cropped maps.

Ostfront looked very good already, but sadly stops completely in January 42 ...


(scratching chin) Back to the random map generator? (scratching further)

Hi Westheim

Sorry but english is not my first language. By "cropped" maps. Do you mean the fact that 20 or so hexes of the finnish front is removed and "stitched" together? To be honestly i am not a huge fan of this method myself, but i would like to note that this is the only part of the actual battlefield that (pre 1944) that is cropped. Most games leaves out more of the finns than this, even WITE. Also there is a variant that removes the finnish front altogether if you dont like it.

Also. Would you prefer total historic production or total production freedom?

As for OstfrontII i think it was abandoned. I do think the map he was going to use was based on the same overlay as mine (TOAWs FITE-scenario).

Westheim -> RE: WWII Eastern Front Scenarios (3/17/2011 12:43:04 PM)



Sorry but english is not my first language. By "cropped" maps. Do you mean the fact that 20 or so hexes of the finnish front is removed and "stitched" together? To be honestly i am not a huge fan of this method myself, but i would like to note that this is the only part of the actual battlefield that (pre 1944) that is cropped. Most games leaves out more of the finns than this, even WITE. Also there is a variant that removes the finnish front altogether if you dont like it.

Also. Would you prefer total historic production or total production freedom?

As for OstfrontII i think it was abandoned. I do think the map he was going to use was based on the same overlay as mine (TOAWs FITE-scenario).

Neither is English my first language, but yes, I'm referring to Scandinavia's rather out of shape appearance. I can't explain it, it just disturbs me.

Both total historical reinforcements and total ahistorical own production have their appeals. The latter also has the disadvantage that it becomes largely unmanageable in a scenario of the size we're talking about. Ostfront I throws about 50 production centers at your face and I'm totally overwhelmed as it is. So the bigger a scenario gets the more stressful it becomes to reinforce by own production.

And thus completely historical reinforcements becomes all the more charming. "It's round 17. You get this infantry division and these two air wings and these ten patched up Romanian tanks. And be careful with them, you won't get more until round 23. Now smile. Smile!!"

Of course I acknowledge that it has to be absolutely and to me most likely unimaginably painful to design a scenario like this.

Grymme -> RE: WWII Eastern Front Scenarios (3/19/2011 6:26:47 PM)

As for the cropped thing, i agree. I got used to it. I would say though that i still prefer this to the usual Eastfront sollution of just including the Karelian area and include Finns but in a meaningles way.

As for the productioncenter thing i agree with 50+ productioncenters getting out of hand. I dont want to micromanage 100+ production location. FITE actually has less production locations per player than 50. I tried to have ca 10 locations per player and front. If you play the entire game with all Axis forces against all Soviet forces the Axis player has 25 production locations and the Soviet player has 48 production locations.

To be honest it is painful to write reinforcement lists. But also, when it comes to such a fluid situation the historical reinforcements tend to get kind of unhistorical the longer the game goes on. 4th Crimean Militia Division.... hmm.. hasnt Crimea been occupied by the Axis for 4 months??? So i think this might be a sollution that i can live with. I like some historical reinforcements though.  

Jeffrey H. -> RE: WWII Eastern Front Scenarios (3/19/2011 9:00:17 PM)

Almost forgot to mention the GPW scenarios. Did you try one of those ? IIRC it was PvP only, so maybe you didn't consider it ?

Grymme -> RE: WWII Eastern Front Scenarios (3/19/2011 10:13:37 PM)

It would actually be nice with a stickied thread like a masterfile of all scenarios/mods available and in production for AT.

[removed and moved to separate post]

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