Tejszd -> RE: Which CC to get? (3/18/2011 5:20:52 PM)
Here, at a very high level, is what each re-release brings to the table; COI - CC3 with a few bug fixes, new campaign and updates for newer Operating Systems CCMT - CCM with a few bug fixes and updates for newer Operating Systems. No campaign of any kind but the best single battle editor in any CC. WAR - CC4 running on CC5 with bug fixes, new game, a few new features and updates for newer Operating Systems. TLD - CC5 with everything in WAR plus a new game and new features LSA - CC2 on CC5 with everything in TLD plus new game and a lot of new features Couple questions you can ask yourself help narrow down the choices; - did you like buying units? Only COI and LSA use points - did you like following a men/units over years? Only COI has units upgrades (replacing older tanks with newer) - must you have a campaign (either CC3 or CC4/5 style)? If not then maybe CCMT. Probably the best for single battles due to it having the best editor. It also supports up to 5 vs 5 play but due to its lack popularity, people wanted a campaign/game, it could be hard finding the players - CC4/5 fan? WAR or TLD - want it all? LSA has pieces from all previous CC and the most new features