NorthStar -> Aircraft Replacement Problem (9/18/2002 11:22:53 PM)
I've done a forum search and didn't turn up anything, so I'm hoping someone can help with this. In my "Operation MO" scenario, I lost both starting carriers. Two squadrons of SBDs (with 1 and 5 planes left) and one squadron of F4F-3s (with 19 planes) diverted to PM. After 4-5 days, none of the squadrons have received replacement planes, even though I have about 40 SBDs and 10 F4F-3s in the replacement pool. Am I being impatient, or is something wrong here? The only thing I see is that all three squadrons are sub-units (1/VB-3, for example) and the parent unit has been destroyed. I'm wondering if this is possibly interfering with the replacement routine. If so, is there a fix for it? I could really use those two SBD squadrons at something approaching full strength. Any input or experiances with this would be helpful. Thanks in Advance