A couple questions... (Full Version)

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Berkut -> A couple questions... (3/19/2011 5:02:16 AM)

1. Soviet rail evac. Is there an easier way to do this other than via the Commanders Report screen? You can highlight the hex where there is stuff, but I cannot figure out if there is some way to then click on that hex to order stuff to evac - instead I have to open the Commanders Screen, find the town name, click on the location there...there has to be a better way. Doesn't there?

2. Air bases. Do they matter? Seems like I have about 6000 of them as the Soviets. What is the difference between a SAD base and a BAD base, for example?

Oleg Mastruko -> RE: A couple questions... (3/19/2011 5:30:33 AM)

You can evac factories by going into the rail movement mode (F2), then select the town on the map, and click on the name of the town in the upper right corner. Fac evac screen appears and you choose what to move. After that you right click on the target city on the map choosing where to move.

Berkut -> RE: A couple questions... (3/19/2011 6:13:25 AM)

Thanks Oleg! I knew there had to be some cleaner way than what I was doing...

Of course, what would really be nice if that was mentioned in the freaking manual in the section about evacuating factories...

scalp -> RE: A couple questions... (3/19/2011 8:14:08 AM)

2) no difference, i think. Its just soviet abbreviatons SAD (mixed air div.) , BAD (bomber air division). Just names.

CheerfullyInsane -> RE: A couple questions... (3/19/2011 5:03:04 PM)



Of course, what would really be nice if that was mentioned in the freaking manual in the section about evacuating factories...

It is. [:D]

It is on page 65 ( Strategic rail movement soviet factory evacuation)

And there's a 'link' to it under production on page 282.

Certain Soviet factories can be evacuated through the use of strategic rail movement (14.2,

cookie monster -> RE: A couple questions... (3/19/2011 6:10:17 PM)

Time to read the manual me thinks

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