jwduquette1 -> RE: More dumb questions (3/28/2011 10:31:04 PM)
Sorry -- I'm sort of late to this thread. quote:
The Soviet player can create combat units ( on-map stuff ) by selecting a hex in, or adjacent to, an urban hex ( city name in really big letters ), then use shift-B. Support units for HQs are made by opening an HQ's window then clicking the assign/form link. Is this the only unit creation the Russian Player has control over -- support unit creation and creation of what I'll call 'emergency' rifle or cavalry formations via expenditure of AP points at Urban hexes? Is all other unit production automatically handled by the game engine? I mean does the AI just chug away merrily at building stuff with no input required from me -- Does The AI build all your Rifle Divisions, tank Brigades, antitank brigades, Cavalry divisiosn, etc etc etc. These than just show up as part of the Soviet reinforcement schduale or what? Or does the Soviet Production stuff require me to input how many rifle divisions i want to make and how many tank brigades and etc? I've also read the manual but am a tad lost on Production and what input I am supposed to be doing. I guess I have the same question for German production. What if any input is the game expecting out of me for German production? Anything? Am I supposed to be telling my industry what I want built -- or does the game do all that itself? Thanks.