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Berkut -> More dumb questions (3/22/2011 3:12:55 AM)

Yes, I read the manual!

Kind of annoying that the manual has lots of info about how things work, but no info (at times) about how to actually DO things!

1. CP levels for HQs - is this listed in the interface somewhere? How can I tell (other than adding it up by hand) how many CPs a given HQ currently has attached, and how many they have available?

2. How does the SU create combat units? I know they can, but I cannot seem to find the interface to actually do so...

Berkut -> RE: More dumb questions (3/22/2011 3:31:15 AM)

In case anyone else was as dumb as me...

When you have a HQ selected, the first icon in the unit window looks like #<tank>: X:Y.

That shows the current assigned CPs : Max CPs.

randallw -> RE: More dumb questions (3/22/2011 3:33:41 AM)

The Soviet player can create combat units ( on-map stuff ) by selecting a hex in, or adjacent to, an urban hex ( city name in really big letters ), then use shift-B.

Support units for HQs are made by opening an HQ's window then clicking the assign/form link.

cookie monster -> RE: More dumb questions (3/22/2011 4:18:50 AM)

Berkut -> RE: More dumb questions (3/22/2011 1:19:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: randallw

The Soviet player can create combat units ( on-map stuff ) by selecting a hex in, or adjacent to, an urban hex ( city name in really big letters ), then use shift-B.

Support units for HQs are made by opening an HQ's window then clicking the assign/form link.

Thanks, appreciate the info.

At 40 APs per division, is it generally something the Soviet player should be doing?

cookie monster -> RE: More dumb questions (3/22/2011 1:33:09 PM)

The reinforcements stop coming so heavily come Jan 42. You will need your manpower just for them.

You probably wouldnt have any manpower left over for player created units.

Berkut -> RE: More dumb questions (3/22/2011 1:50:56 PM)

So what do people spend their APs on? I see a lot of comments about not wasting them, but I have like 200 stored up and don't really seem to have anything to spend them on.

The only things I use them for are building support units, whacking leaders, and transfering units around. Seems like I have much more than I need for those purposes...

76mm -> RE: More dumb questions (3/22/2011 2:02:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: cookie monster

The reinforcements stop coming so heavily come Jan 42. You will need your manpower just for them.

You probably wouldnt have any manpower left over for player created units.

At one point in a previous AI game, in an early 1.03 beta patch, I created lots of units, mainly rifle and cav divisions,without any problem. but that was when these units cost 10 AP, rather than 20 AP as now.

Plus I think the manpower flow has been reduced since then, so maybe it is not worth creating so many units now?

randallw -> RE: More dumb questions (3/22/2011 6:47:01 PM)

There are periods when you can start grouping units together to form larger units; brigades to divisions, divisions to corps, and that'll cost 20 points each time.  The pile of APs can be easily used up in a single turn.

Klydon -> RE: More dumb questions (3/22/2011 7:12:19 PM)

If it costs you 20 AP to build a rifle division, then you are still in 1941 and under the unit penalty. (After 1941, they will cost half that value).

You can start forming cav corps (3 cav divisions) in Dec 41. These are like 20 a wack. Rifle corps come along not too far after that and they are also 20 a wack. Forming 3 tank brigades into a tank corps is also very expensive, so you will fry your 200 AP's in a hurry.

I would also suggest going through your support units in each HQ. If it is a combat battalion (like sapper battalion) I would consider wacking it and reforming sapper regiments. Motorcycle regiments are also generally a good idea to disband as well as they are vehicle hogs and the motorcycles are needed in regular ToE's I believe. If you have not also formed some rail road repair brigades, I would consider some of those as well in your armies. They help with digging in addition with rail repairs.

If you have 200 something AP's as a Russian, it generally means you leaving out something that needs to be done.

jwduquette1 -> RE: More dumb questions (3/28/2011 10:31:04 PM)

Sorry -- I'm sort of late to this thread.


The Soviet player can create combat units ( on-map stuff ) by selecting a hex in, or adjacent to, an urban hex ( city name in really big letters ), then use shift-B.

Support units for HQs are made by opening an HQ's window then clicking the assign/form link.

Is this the only unit creation the Russian Player has control over -- support unit creation and creation of what I'll call 'emergency' rifle or cavalry formations via expenditure of AP points at Urban hexes? Is all other unit production automatically handled by the game engine? I mean does the AI just chug away merrily at building stuff with no input required from me -- Does The AI build all your Rifle Divisions, tank Brigades, antitank brigades, Cavalry divisiosn, etc etc etc. These than just show up as part of the Soviet reinforcement schduale or what? Or does the Soviet Production stuff require me to input how many rifle divisions i want to make and how many tank brigades and etc?

I've also read the manual but am a tad lost on Production and what input I am supposed to be doing.

I guess I have the same question for German production. What if any input is the game expecting out of me for German production? Anything? Am I supposed to be telling my industry what I want built -- or does the game do all that itself?


pompack -> RE: More dumb questions (3/28/2011 11:52:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: jwduquette1

Sorry -- I'm sort of late to this thread.


The Soviet player can create combat units ( on-map stuff ) by selecting a hex in, or adjacent to, an urban hex ( city name in really big letters ), then use shift-B.

Support units for HQs are made by opening an HQ's window then clicking the assign/form link.

Is this the only unit creation the Russian Player has control over -- support unit creation and creation of what I'll call 'emergency' rifle or cavalry formations via expenditure of AP points at Urban hexes? Is all other unit production automatically handled by the game engine? I mean does the AI just chug away merrily at building stuff with no input required from me -- Does The AI build all your Rifle Divisions, tank Brigades, antitank brigades, Cavalry divisiosn, etc etc etc. These than just show up as part of the Soviet reinforcement schduale or what? Or does the Soviet Production stuff require me to input how many rifle divisions i want to make and how many tank brigades and etc?

I've also read the manual but am a tad lost on Production and what input I am supposed to be doing.

I guess I have the same question for German production. What if any input is the game expecting out of me for German production? Anything? Am I supposed to be telling my industry what I want built -- or does the game do all that itself?


jwduquette1 -> RE: More dumb questions (3/29/2011 2:11:36 AM)

Thanks pompack. That's a handy wiki. Looks like I don't need to worry about production - aside from trying to hold onto manpower centers, industry and the like. The AI than does all the building stuff. I just wanted to make there wasn't some sort of production management I needed to be worrying about.

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