TheGrayMouser -> RE: Power to the user: The OBKonverter (4/3/2011 11:23:55 PM)
Ok I think I figured this out. (at least to encrypt deencrypt the data file for unit properties, units.cfg) 1 make a backup copy of any file you are going to tamper with ! 2 launch the converter exe, click on "optionen" 3 uncheck everything EXCEPT "Ausgabedatei verschlusseln" then hit ok 4 find the file you are going to de-encrypt using the folder/file finder under "Eingabedatei" and hit open, then do same with Ausgabedetei (use the drop down for all file types to find .cgf files) The Augs one gives one the option to rename the output file when you hit save. if you feel the need. I just used the same file name , if you do this a warning will come up in German which basically says you are overwriting the file. 5 actually, that warning will come up at the last step which is to hit "Konvertieren" close the exe Now when you open the cfg file it will be in plain text and you can edit it, hurray! 6 to re-encryption follow the above except uncheck everything in Optionene except "Eingabetatei entschlusseln" 7 now place your edited and re-encrypted file back into the data folder of the game and see if your changes worked. I changed the name of Tiger tanks to Tiger R Us and that is what is diplayed in the unit editor so I assume this was a success! I highly suggest making a folder on your desktop with the encrpter EXE and files your are working on, makes it easier to find files and lessens the chance you open or screw up a file that you might not have made a back up for. ****edit, the exe does not keep any changes you make, all the items in options are always checked off so eveytime you use it dont assume they are checked/unchecked to your need