RE: Confederate AAR (Full Version)

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Ugly Guy -> RE: Confederate AAR (5/3/2011 5:56:35 PM)

It's finals week, posting may be non-existant until Thursday.

Ugly Guy -> RE: Confederate AAR (5/6/2011 2:20:45 AM)

Late November 1862 Strategy

1. Last turn before the winter resting months. Although it isn't unheard of for the Union to keep manuevering in this time. I usually use it to R&R the troops. But I will need it now that Lee was decimated at Nashville. These winter months may be the only thing that saves the Army of Tennessee.
2. Still need a few more camps. I am in a big hole with casualties and the Union will be back on full offensive in February.
3. I am hoping to get at least one BRs back this turn.
4. I am contemplating demoting Polk and moving Lee to the Army of Kentucky. Despite his stats, Lee just seems to underperform most of the time. Even with his relatively high intiative rating, I cannot rely on him to move when I really need it.
5. Hopefully Gen. Lee will reach Nashville this turn and keep it from falling. This is critical.
6. I will start the siege in Jefferson City this turn. Will be curious to see if Buell comes back to chase off this siege. He could also break towards Cincy, but if not Cincy is soon to fall.
7. I don't expect much to happen this turn in reality. This winter is going to be the calm before the storm.

Ugly Guy -> RE: Confederate AAR (5/6/2011 2:49:33 AM)

Turn 26 (Late November 1862):

SecWar Report:
1. Gen. Lee has moved his forces from outside of Nashville to the Hatchie region.
2. The sieges at Cincinnati and Jeffersonville continue to be unopposed.
3. Our spies report that there was no Yankee movements of major military container units. All is quiet on the Northern front. It looks like they have settled into winter quarters.
4. ~9200 new recruits were integrated into existing brigades.
5. We regret to inform that Gen. J.P. Anderson has passed away from his wounds he received at Fredericksburg.
6. Gen. Slaughter's condition has reportedly worsened. The doctors are saying his status is critical.
7. Our raiders have destroyed several Union supply depots in or near Louisville.
8. Gen. Lee continues to improve the command rating of his subordinate's staff.
9. Gen. Weisiger continues to train his subordinate's command staffs as well.

SecInt Report:
1. Began construction on a raider in LExington and a camp in Columbia.
2. We completed construction on a camp in Jackson, two mints in New Orleans, and a mint in Charleston.
3. Gov. Brown continues to show his disloyalty despite our success and is opposing our research into new types of weapons.

SecNav Report:
1. We redeployed one unit of BR's and they took three damage in a failed attempt at seizing weapons off the coast of Pensacola.
2. Our gunboats have joined the siege in Jefferson City.

SecState Report:
1. No new happenings abroad.

Ugly Guy -> RE: Confederate AAR (5/6/2011 3:00:17 AM)

Early December 1862 Strategy

1. R&R.
2. With the gunboats providing an artillery advantage, I am contemplating turning up the siege pressure in Jefferson City.
3. I have decided to demote Gen. Polk to two star. Gen. Jackson will be promoted to 4-star general and assume command of the Army of Tennessee, Gen. Lee will assume command of the Army of Kentucky, and more than likely Gen. Heth will be promoted to 3-star general and assume command of Jackson's corp. It is between Gen. Heth and Gen. Buckner. Will probably be Heth since I will need to promote someone, and this won't require shuffling generals.
4. My luck with BR's is trying my patience. The other is done repairing, and the one from last turn is going back in for repairs. The weapons pickup only had a 10% chance of danger too.
5. I am going to use all of my weapons to upgrade the Army of Tennessee. They lost alot last battle and will need the upgrades before the Spring campaign season.

Ugly Guy -> RE: Confederate AAR (5/6/2011 3:24:43 AM)

Turn 27 (Early December 1862):

SecWar Report:
1. We increased our siege rate in Jefferson City and the results were mixed. The progress achieved was great, Gen. Price captured over 2/3rds of the remaining city in two weeks time, but he paid for it at the cost of ~2500 men. We are instructing him to bombard the city next turn to entice the residents to surrender before any more of the city is destroyed.
2. Spies report that Gen. Buell moved into the Paducah region. Gen. Lee is reportedly preparing to move into Memphis to avoid a pitched battle.
3. Union forces feinted an attack at Cincinnati to try and draw off the besieging forces there. Gen. Polk did not take the bait. The Yankees retreated before we could offer battle.
4. The proposed command shuffling did not take place because of the imminent threat of attack. We will proceed with this before year end.
5. Our raiders were unsuccessful in their attempts to damage the Union economy around Louisville.
6. We regret to inform that Gen. Slaughter has died from his wounds.
7. Gen. Jordan has fully recovered from his wounds and will rejoin his old command in the Army of Tennessee.
8. Disease struck Gen. Price's army. Casualties are estimated at ~500 men.
9. ~9800 recruits were integrated into our existing forces.
10. We upgraded several brigades in the Army of Tennessee with new muskets.
11. We upgraded the quality of horses in Terry's Texas Rangers.

SecInt Report:
1. Began construction on a division container in Jackson.
2. We finished construction on a Raider in Lexington, a division container in Jackson, and a camp in Columbia.

SecNav Report:
1. Our BR's were unsuccessful in smuggling weapons.

SecState Report:
1. No movement in allegiances abroad.

Ugly Guy -> RE: Confederate AAR (5/6/2011 3:27:46 AM)

Late December 1862 Strategy

1. R&R.
2. I am going to try bombarding Jefferson City this turn. I can't afford another round of casualties like the last.
3. I forgot to do my command shuffle last turn. I will do it this turn.
4. I have decided to go ahead and build a few division containers during the winter. I will need them in the spring.
5. My labor production continues to fall. I will just have to plow through it at this rate. Camp production has dropped. I need to reemphasize it again.
6. Trying to use spare cash to upgrade my units.
7. I need to get the Army of Tennessee into Memphis before they get caught in the open fields in Hatchie.

Ugly Guy -> RE: Confederate AAR (5/6/2011 3:47:55 AM)

Turn 28 (Late December 1862):

SecWar Report:
1. Gen. Lee moved the Army of Tennessee into Memphis.
2. Union armies stayed still through the new years holiday.
3. ~9800 recruits were distributed to understrength brigades.
4. Gen. Polk was removed from command of the Army of Kentucky. Gen. Lee will assume command there as soon as he can make the trip. He is to leave right away.
5. Gen. Jackson has begun moving towards the Mississippi River to take command of the Army of Tennessee.
6. Gen. Price expects Jefferson City to fall within the month. However, he is reporting that he will need a few weeks to rest and refit after the siege before moving onto St. Louis or Des Moines.
7. Disease struck Magruder's division in Virgina. Casualties are estimated at over 600.
8. Our raiders in Nashville caused much economic damage, but were cornered by the Union garrison and dispersed after the raid. Our raiders in Louisville failed to destroy Union supply depots.
9. Our siege of Cinncinnati is successful. The city is now in Confederate hands.
10. Gen. Jones is now fully healed of his battle wounds. He will rejoin his command in the ANV.

SecInt Report:
1. Began construction on a division container in Jackson.
2. We completed construction of a mint in Red River.
3. Gov. Moore in Louisiana withdrew most of the rest of his support in protest of the demotion of Gen. Polk. We never did like him anyways.
4. Gov. Pettus in Mississippi is now requesting a subsidy to build a telegraph line to connect Jackson and Natchez.

SecNav Report:
1. Our blockade runners off the coast of Deleware smuggled in 45 units of iron.

SecState Report:
1. Our diplomats are reporting a minor gain in support for the Union among European powers.

Ugly Guy -> RE: Confederate AAR (5/6/2011 3:49:27 AM)

Since I am now beginning 1863, I think my next post will be a brief run down of the state of the Confederacy, its armies, commanding generals, and industrial capacity in case anyone is interested.

terje439 -> RE: Confederate AAR (5/6/2011 9:47:38 AM)

A map would be nice too [:)]


Ugly Guy -> RE: Confederate AAR (5/7/2011 2:31:26 AM)

A map he wants and a map he gets. Actually several.

First one is a main game screen shot. Just to see the territory map. Not alot of change since the beginning of the war.


Ugly Guy -> RE: Confederate AAR (5/7/2011 2:32:17 AM)

This is a shot of the various army groups.


Ugly Guy -> RE: Confederate AAR (5/7/2011 2:32:49 AM)

Here is a shot of the strength graph.


Ugly Guy -> RE: Confederate AAR (5/7/2011 2:33:20 AM)

Here is the weapons graph. Explains the strength graph.


Ugly Guy -> RE: Confederate AAR (5/7/2011 2:34:08 AM)

A shot of the Southern governors and their support.


Ugly Guy -> RE: Confederate AAR (5/7/2011 2:37:39 AM)

Here is a look into the Army of Tennessee as it stands currently. The empty division container finally arrived from Jackson. Its hard to fight battles when most every brigade is <50% strength. You will see this is par for the course for the Southern forces.


Ugly Guy -> RE: Confederate AAR (5/7/2011 2:39:27 AM)

This is the Army of Kentucky. Same story as the AoT. Although you can tell one division had a higher supply priority than the others.


Ugly Guy -> RE: Confederate AAR (5/7/2011 2:41:59 AM)

This is Jackson's old corp. The units that have played cat in mouse in western Virgina for a whole year. As you can tell by the previous maps, after probably over 50k casualties in that theater, each side is exactly where they began the year. No more, no less. Gen. Heth will receive his promotion this turn now that Polk has been demoted. The low disposition of the army is still a cruel reminder of what happens when you run your men out of supply even for a couple turns.


Ugly Guy -> RE: Confederate AAR (5/7/2011 2:45:41 AM)

And this is a shot of the good ol' ANV. Gen. Weisiger has established his hold as the premier Confederate general on the field anywhere. If I get to promote a five-star general, it will be him. I will post my commanding generals' stats in a later post, to show how my current commanders stack up with the ones I started with.


Ugly Guy -> RE: Confederate AAR (5/7/2011 2:47:36 AM)

So there is a pictorial run down of the state of the Confederacy. I'll be posting a more matter of fact (stats and figures) account over the next few days. Anyone want to see any other screen shots?

terje439 -> RE: Confederate AAR (5/7/2011 11:18:53 AM)

You seem to be doing fine, it seems however that Army Central Kentucky could use some training, it seems somewhat subpar for a Confederate army. Have you "unlocked" all the attributes of your main generals?

"Gen. Weisiger has established his hold as the premier Confederate general on the field anywhere. If I get to promote a five-star general, it will be him."
Does this mean you are building academies?

A few divisions does not have a 2 star general attached, is this because you are reshuffeling them?


Ugly Guy -> RE: Confederate AAR (5/8/2011 4:28:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: terje439

You seem to be doing fine, it seems however that Army Central Kentucky could use some training, it seems somewhat subpar for a Confederate army. Have you "unlocked" all the attributes of your main generals?

"Gen. Weisiger has established his hold as the premier Confederate general on the field anywhere. If I get to promote a five-star general, it will be him."
Does this mean you are building academies?

A few divisions does not have a 2 star general attached, is this because you are reshuffeling them?


The answer to the first part is mostly yes, but there is still a few that haven't been unlocked. The Army of Kentucky is undertrained because Polk has been leading it for the year and he is less than stellar. With Lee in command, it should get trained fairly quickly.

I haven't decided yet. I haven't started any as of now, but I don't know what the future holds.

About the divisions, yeah, I am doing some shuffling. I believe I have two two-star generals injured, and one unfilled slot.

Ugly Guy -> RE: Confederate AAR (5/8/2011 5:54:12 AM)


R.E. Lee - Actually started off this game knowing most of his stats, and he isn't half bad. Great/Normal/Fair/???/???. He has been reassigned from N. Carolina to the army container in Hatchie, soon to be the Army of Tennessee. R.E. Lee will be in command in the West.
Leonidas Polk - Lee is replacing him in command. Fair/Poor/Fair/Fair/None is not to shabby. Could be better than the other four star generals, only time will tell. Will stay in the same army container with Lee for now.
Albert Sidney Johnston - ???/???/Poor/???/None. Current in command in of the army container in Kentucky (soon to be the Army of Kentucky), will stay that way until I learn more about him.
Thomas J. Jackson - Currently a complete enigma. ???/???/???/???/Fair. Will stay in command of his corp container in Virgina for now.
P.G.T. Beauregard - Could be good, could be bad. Normal/???/???/???/???. Low intiative is enough to keep him in place in what will soon be the ANV.
J.E. Johnston - Mixed bag. ???/Poor/???/Great/None. Will leave him in the ANV for now with Beauregard. The constant battling there will reveal their stats soon enough. Low man on the totem pole gets reassigned.
Braxton Bragg - ???/Bad/Poor/Excellent/None. Will leave him in command of his division in Pensacola for now. Will eventually be assigned to the Army of Tennessee.
Van Dorn - Fair/Fair/???/???/???

I have relisted my starting generals (3-star and 4-star) above for comparison purposes. Below is my current line-up of 3 and 4 star generals. (Listed as Initiative/Leadership/Tactics/Command/Cavalry). As you can see, only four of the starting nine have survived. (I forgot to put T.H. Holmes on the starting list).

R.E. Lee (4-star)- Still don't know one from him despite all of his battles. Great/Normal/Fair/???/None
Thomas J. Jackson (4-star) - Turned out to be pretty good. Superb/Great/Great/Good/Fair
Weisiger (4-star) - About as good as I have seen in any game I've played. Superb/Great/Excellent/Great/None
Van Dorn (3-star) - Not the best, but haven't deemed it worth the hit of support from Gov. Pettus to replace him. Fair/Fair/Good/Fair/None
W.T. Martin (3-star) - Fair/Great/Excellent/Normal/None
T.H. Holmes (3-star) - I am still waiting for more to be revealed before I make a decision to sack him. ???/Poor/???/Good/None
H. Heth (soon to be 3-star) - Excellent/Fair/Great/Excellent/None
S.B. Buckner (3-star) - Good/Great/Great/Excellent/None
E.K. Smith (3-star) - This guy is a rally beast in QC. Great/Great/Fair/Normal/None.
S. Price (3-star) - Not the best promotion I have made, but it was convenient. Fair/Good/???/Good/None

Most of the 2-star generals I started with were utter trash. I have made some decent promotions over time, giving most weight to stats and number of rallies they generate during QC. I feel pretty good about my army commanders as of now, a few 3-stars could be better, but at this point, it probably isn't worth the support hit to change them. The new commander of Jackson's Corps was a toss-up between Heth and Buckner. In the end, I chose Heth because of his higher Initiative rating.

Ugly Guy -> RE: Confederate AAR (5/10/2011 2:01:05 AM)

And some quick stats.

Cities in the Confederacy (Current) - 32
Cities in the Confederacy (Start) - 29

Provinces Gained - 7
Provinces Lost - 1

Army Size (Current) - 209,301
Army Size (Start) - 227,600

And here is a screen shot of the Nation Screen:


Ugly Guy -> RE: Confederate AAR (5/10/2011 2:01:52 AM)

And the City Screen (featuring Atlanta and the lovely Georgian governor):


terje439 -> RE: Confederate AAR (5/10/2011 5:11:35 PM)

-2 weaponry research [:D]
I will claim that you are running thight on research, cash and iron production atm. Money seems to be extremely short.
Going to be interesting to see how this develops.


Ugly Guy -> RE: Confederate AAR (5/10/2011 5:23:51 PM)

Part of the reason money is so tight is because I probably have 5-6 divisions on increased supply priority right now. That is really killing my cash flow.

Ugly Guy -> RE: Confederate AAR (5/12/2011 3:18:02 PM)

I will try to do a turn or two this weekend, and then probably be the following before I do anymore. AM working through my last class. Final test is next Saturday and then I am done for good!

Ugly Guy -> RE: Confederate AAR (5/18/2011 2:15:07 AM)

Alright, finishing up classes so time for a quickie update.

Early January 1863 Strategy

1. Continued R&R.
2. I'll probably try another round of bombarding in Jefferson City, even though the casualties were quite high this last round.
3. Finish off my command shuffling.
4. Keep on building camps and mints.

Ugly Guy -> RE: Confederate AAR (5/18/2011 2:42:28 AM)

Turn 29 (Early January 1863):

SecWar Report:
1. We upgraded a brigade in the AoT with Richmond rifles.
2. Our reorganization continued. However, Gen. Lee has still refused to leave Memphis despite turning over command of the AoT to Gen. Jackson.
3. Gen. Longstreet has recovered from his wounds. (OOC: I'd much preferred he worsened as he is not that good of a general to be commanding a two-star slot.)
4. Our raiders in Paducah managed to successful loot several US arms depots, however they were betrayed by a traitor in their ranks and summarily dismantled by the cavalry of Buell's army.
5. Our raiders in Louisville continue to cause havoc to the Union economy there.
6. ~9800 raw recruits were assimilated into existing brigades.
7. Despite massive casualties to the defenders in Jefferson City, it still continues to hold out.

SecInt Report:
1. We began construction of a camp in Little Rock and a mint in Mobile.
2. We began construction of a Raider in Norfolk.

SecNav Report:
1. Our blockade runners off of Jacksonville Florida have smuggled in 15 units of weapons.
2. Our BR detachments are reporting a VERY large amount of horses waiting to be smuggled in all along the coast of the Confederacy. We recommend our diplomatic corp put out the word to our European friends that we are quite flush in horses right now and could use other resources.

SecState Report:
1. Our diplomats in France have secured a donation of 15 units of iron from the French. However, due to the Union blockading efforts, not all of the iron made it into our ports.

Ugly Guy -> RE: Confederate AAR (5/22/2011 6:11:18 AM)

Late January 1863 Strategy

1. Continued R&R. Last week of winter, and my forces aren't looking to shabby.
2. Jefferson City should fall this turn. Hopefully I can afford to speed some reinforcements that way to move on Des Moines or St. Louis.
3. Finish off my command shuffling. This is taking forever. Lee isn't wanting to move and Polk is already demoted. The AoK has no 4-star in command right now.
4. Keep on building camps and mints.
5. There are tons of horses off shore for smuggling, but I really do not need them. If they are low risk I will probably snag them, else its not worth risking the BR's.

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