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rhondabrwn -> ?????? (4/1/2011 6:26:17 AM)

This must set a record for inactive game forums! [:)]

JP Falcon the 2nd -> RE: ?????? (4/1/2011 12:16:25 PM)

RTS phobia?

sabre1 -> RE: ?????? (4/1/2011 12:46:28 PM)


blastpop -> RE: ?????? (4/1/2011 1:38:40 PM)

Looks kind of interesting, but not sure what the long term play value would be.

I might purchase if it were $15.00 to $20 less- but it really is not a burning issue to pickup. [>:]

Instead I am enjoying FoG thoroughly... [:)]

LarryP -> RE: ?????? (4/1/2011 2:10:18 PM)

After looking at the product page, the game looks pretty good. Too much money though.

mbar -> RE: ?????? (4/1/2011 2:14:42 PM)

It seems to be a reasonable price. I will pick it up later but for now I'm playing through King Arthur, Kings' Crusade, Shogun 2 and for that matter Medieval 2 and Rome Gold.

boatrigm -> RE: ?????? (4/1/2011 7:15:02 PM)

I just don't see what this game brings to the table compared to the Total War series. Maybe this game is easier??

Max 86 -> RE: ?????? (4/1/2011 7:21:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: boatrigm

I just don't see what this game brings to the table compared to the Total War series. Maybe this game is easier??

Thats what I was thinking. A watered down M2TW.

Shawkhan -> RE: ?????? (4/1/2011 7:44:35 PM)

I think these kind of questions can be simply answered, just by reading the product info:
•Next generation engine with advanced shader effects and lighting
•Free form quest map that allows players to decide when and where to fight within a historical framework
•More than 20 different units all accurately researched and carefully modeled in amazing detail
•Weapons and shields are added to each unit by the player, meaning an almost infinite number of equipment combinations are possible
•Every equipment change changes the appearance of the models. Never before has this kind of customization been possible on such a scale
•Specialize your squads with over 100 unique skills
•Animations and behavior change to match the equipment you have allocated
•Play as the English under the Black Prince or the French under Joan of Arc
•Historical events effecting game play
•Innovative Battle Card system that gives bonuses and penalties in battle
•The most detailed and realistic medieval combat model ever created
•Special ambush missions
•Story movies created from hundreds of hours of the TV channel HISTORY library combined with in game engine footage
•Completely new control and battle system designed to work on console and PC
•Multiplayer over LAN & Internet

Erik Rutins -> RE: ?????? (4/1/2011 7:56:23 PM)

It's different from Total War, though there are definitely similarities. I would say that if you like the Total War games, you'll also likely enjoy this, but it is not a Total War clone. The role-playing and continuity aspect is stronger here IMHO and it is very much its own unique game with battle graphics that are on par with TW.


- Erik

boatrigm -> RE: ?????? (4/1/2011 9:35:59 PM)

Wish there was a demo Might help me decide....the youtube video just didn't do it for me.

Rosseau -> RE: ?????? (4/1/2011 10:09:13 PM)

I bought it at Slitherine after the latest patch and can't really agree the graphics are on par with the Total War Series. I like it because there are several nice modding opportunities and an editor where you can modify/create entire new battles for the campaigns.

Although there is the pause feature, the gameplay itself moves quickly. I did not get a lot of satisfaction from the actual battles. A worthy buy if they dropped the price to $30. At $40, there's just too much other good stuff you can get, especially at discount.

henri51 -> RE: ?????? (4/1/2011 10:39:17 PM)

Without any AARs and pictures, I can't figure out whether this is the game of the year or the clunker of the year...


After I wrote this I went to the Slitherine web site where there is a detailed description with pictures of various aspects of the game.

Rosseau -> RE: ?????? (4/2/2011 10:32:36 PM)

It's neither bad nor great, Henri. But it is different with the various screens and weapon upgrades, etc. But if you don't plan to use the editor at all, it is too pricey for what you can get elsewhere these days. For example, King Arthur and it's follow up, are beautiful games, despite the fantasy stuff in the first one.

Kubel -> RE: ?????? (4/4/2011 3:05:55 AM)

I'll be buying after I buy a new laptop.

hgilmer3 -> RE: ?????? (4/4/2011 9:58:40 PM)

I really love the period, but I'm a little burnt out on Total War stuff, even with it being "different". I'm sure it is different being from different program studios, but as I said I'm a little burnt out on strategic game maps and real time battle systems.

If I got that wrong, I'm sorry. That seems to be my perception and will gladly accept being corrected on whether it is "turn-0based" at strategic and real time at battle level.

PipFromSlitherine -> RE: ?????? (4/4/2011 10:32:14 PM)

It isn't realtime in the common sense. You watch the battle unfold, but can pause at any time, and all orders are given in a paused state. It also uses a segmented battlefield to make it easier to know what is going to go where and how it will relate to the units around it.

Plus a lot of your decision making is equiping your men and determining how they will fight at given battle (e.g. mounted or on foot for Knights).



Rosseau -> RE: ?????? (4/5/2011 12:06:33 AM)

Despite the pause feature, things move quickly and I found it significantly more difficult to control my troops and make sense out of what's going on in the heat of battle. I also found it a bit difficult to tell who is who, unit-type wise.

You can also give units bonuses that may be available by clicking on them, but I found it better implemented in King Arthur. For example, there is a "stand fast" bonus I gave a unit. But I honestly could not determine if it worked or not the way things move so quickly.

There also is no strategic layer beyond re-equipping your troops with better equipment as you conquer region by region of the continent. But again, modding and editor support is very nice.

mbar -> RE: ?????? (4/5/2011 2:18:57 AM)

It sounds like it plays more like Neocore's The King's Crusade than Total War. You equip and then play the next mission on the map.

The battle card system sounds interesting.

Rosseau -> RE: ?????? (4/5/2011 9:59:20 PM)

HGBM also has a screen where you update your units with better weapons after success/experience in battle. But, again, the actual battles move quickly and these weapons advantages were never very apparent to me in the field. Also, and I'm just being honest, the graphics in HGBM can't hold a candle to the Neocore series.

IainMcNeil -> RE: ?????? (4/6/2011 9:13:55 AM)

There is a speed slider to slow down battles if you want things to be slower.

milkweg -> RE: ?????? (4/21/2011 8:42:47 AM)

Armchair General gave it 85% so it can't be all that bad. I don't see why it is being compared to TW either just because it uses 3D graphics. The meat of TW series is the strategy game part and not the battles.


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