New to Armada 2526 (Full Version)

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dawilko -> New to Armada 2526 (4/12/2011 6:06:02 AM)

Hi guys,

I have played a few games to get the hang of he game. Each time I run into one glaringly painful point. Planets that spam missile defenses are very very tough to crack.

Say for example I spend 24 turns building 6 Predators, in that time a planet can build 28 basic missile defense systems.

Can anyone suggest a unit or strategy that overcomes the missile defense spam?

With thanks,

martok -> RE: New to Armada 2526 (4/12/2011 12:29:34 PM)

Marines. Lots of Marines. [;)]

Seriously, though, if a planet's defenses consist mostly of missile bases, then sending in ground forces can be a very effective way to take them out. Yes, you will unfortunately still lose a good percentage of them, but I find it's often still more cost-effective than trying to take out a bunch of missile bases from orbit with whatever space forces you have.

Anguille -> RE: New to Armada 2526 (4/12/2011 1:30:28 PM)

Even better, i guess you play Supernova?...try to place Special forces on the planet before an attack so they will take out some of the primary defense buildings...

Oh...and try to take some jammer ships with you...[;)]

mbar -> RE: New to Armada 2526 (4/12/2011 1:39:12 PM)

I use cheep ships to draw missile fire, then assault ships to drop in ground forces. I will add my own missile ships to attack the ground missiles once I've teched up to them.

dawilko -> RE: New to Armada 2526 (4/12/2011 11:24:21 PM)

Thanks for the ideas guys. I didn't realise the expansion was available, will have to look into that.

I've not toched on drop ships / marines much, but from a quick look a marine takes 1 turn to build, a drop ship takes 3 and only 1 marine can fit onto a drop ship?

Is there any other way to get more units on the ground at once?

mbar -> RE: New to Armada 2526 (4/14/2011 12:33:24 AM)

No. You could upgrade to tanks though.

A good way to practice against ground defenses is with the Space Battle game. You can quickly setup different scenarios and fleet combinations. Its a good way to practice marine landings. 

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