Clarification on upgrading ships. (Full Version)

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Larsenex -> Clarification on upgrading ships. (4/15/2011 3:12:00 PM)

So I research Torrent drive and say Hyperfusion reactor. I then redesign a new ship and add these two components. If I continue down those lines and have 'improvements to hyperfusion reactor' do I still have to open up the design editor? When I do it shows as the latest component and does not seem like I need to do an upgrade. Do these improvements occur automatically to all my ships and bases right after I research them or do I still need to open the designer and leave it alone but assign a new designation? Help on this would be great.

Johnnycai -> RE: Clarification on upgrading ships. (4/15/2011 3:33:00 PM)

Actually wondered about this myself, would the research improvement be immediately present to all installed components...would my torps suddenly dish out more damage or increase range in the middle of an engagement once the 'improved/advanced torpedo' reasearch option be completed??

Realistically, the game should likely withhold all component stat improvements derived from reasearch gains till its either retrofitted or even repaired/refuelled.

So what is it?? I am guessing it is immediately applied as it would not be easily programmed otherwise.

Bingeling -> RE: Clarification on upgrading ships. (4/15/2011 3:39:26 PM)

This is most easily seen with weapons.

Once an improved blaster design is research (upgrade to the already equipped piece) the firepower of the ship is instantly bumped. Or at least instant enough to disregard any time delay. No need to visit the design, a shipyard, or to issue a retrofit order.

I wonder how this actually happens, suddenly the blasters realize they are more efficient...

Data -> RE: Clarification on upgrading ships. (4/15/2011 4:13:17 PM)

Indeed, improvements occur to how it happens we're left to RP, many explanations can be found.

Larsenex -> RE: Clarification on upgrading ships. (4/15/2011 4:17:53 PM)

So just to be clear. If I am researching Reactors, Hyperspace Pathslcing, Torpedoes, Command Centers, Medical centers, Beams and they are all on a previous path..I DO NOT HAVE to REDESIGN they are in fact automatically improved at time of completion.

Is this correct?

Data -> RE: Clarification on upgrading ships. (4/15/2011 4:19:17 PM)

Yap, I've tested on several of them when the expansion came to check this. If some of them do not behave in this way, it could be a bug but afaik they all behave in this way.

Larsenex -> RE: Clarification on upgrading ships. (4/15/2011 5:45:17 PM)

This is actually a very optimized path if you so choose after tech lvl 5. I can continue to imporve into techs 6 & 7 down the same shields/torps/engines/reactors and not worry about doing an entire new design.

Bingeling -> RE: Clarification on upgrading ships. (4/15/2011 6:26:44 PM)

The research tree should be quite clear on which item it applies to.

Medical facility has only one item which is improved.

Hyper drives have 6 different types if I remember correct (1 starter, 3 in the middle, 1 end item, one racial item). Of course, researching the last maxos blaster upgrade does no good if you don't have any equipped after upgrading to for instance shatterforce.

For instance, long range scanners change item type during upgrades and has to be retrofitted (in a new design).

Larsenex -> RE: Clarification on upgrading ships. (4/15/2011 6:30:35 PM)

Yes, the Long Range scanner is a great example as is the Terminator auto cannon. I can upgrade the Point defense end line but if I research autocannons I will need to do a new design as it has a 'new' name.

Litjan -> RE: Clarification on upgrading ships. (4/15/2011 7:36:42 PM)

I guess this reflects on the way that new lines of technology are less efficient at first, but hold a much better prospect in the future. Think of harddisk drives. We went through a long line of conventional HDD improvements, suddently the SDD comes along. While not really viable at first (too small, too expensive) it is actually now surpassing conventional HDD´s and in a few years my guess is that the old HDD´s will have gone the way of the floppy disk...

Data -> RE: Clarification on upgrading ships. (4/15/2011 7:42:57 PM)

good point there the end gameplay and RPing don't always go hand in hand. Sometimes you'd like to see easier gameplay at the expense of RPing, sometimes it's the other way around.
Still, I guess this can be improved (as always [:)] ) to allow easier upgrading

Noble713 -> RE: Clarification on upgrading ships. (4/15/2011 7:52:31 PM)


I wonder how this actually happens, suddenly the blasters realize they are more efficient...

1. Firmware updates.
2. Upgraded parts phased in with regular supply/maintenance deliveries (which aren't represented beyond $ cost).
3. Some mechanic or engineer found that you could squeeze more performance out of the existing hardware, like cranking up the boost on a turbocharged engine.

Lrfss -> RE: Clarification on upgrading ships. (4/15/2011 9:04:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: Noble713


I wonder how this actually happens, suddenly the blasters realize they are more efficient...

1. Firmware updates.
2. Upgraded parts phased in with regular supply/maintenance deliveries (which aren't represented beyond $ cost).
3. Some mechanic or engineer found that you could squeeze more performance out of the existing hardware, like cranking up the boost on a turbocharged engine.

This is how I viewed it as well and to me makes good sense btw...

Bingeling -> RE: Clarification on upgrading ships. (4/15/2011 9:14:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: Noble713

I wonder how this actually happens, suddenly the blasters realize they are more efficient...

1. Firmware updates.
2. Upgraded parts phased in with regular supply/maintenance deliveries (which aren't represented beyond $ cost).
3. Some mechanic or engineer found that you could squeeze more performance out of the existing hardware, like cranking up the boost on a turbocharged engine.

Something like that must go on, but parts would certainly have to be shifted. You can only do so much with software updates...

Maybe the ships are equipped with matter compilers? Insert blueprints and some atoms, and out comes the part? Other parts of tech gives me the impression that they don't quite have that, though. I guess a machine shop could be manage to modify some parts too...

Anyways, it does not matter. It would be annoying with brief port visits to update equipment, and crazy annoying to have to do even more design updates for v2 parts (if doing manual).

Data -> RE: Clarification on upgrading ships. (4/15/2011 9:19:59 PM)

matter compilers? For every Geordi outhere there is a user friendly replicator at hand [:)]

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