ColinWright -> RE: 'Can't Deploy' message in Scenario Editor (4/17/2011 6:33:51 PM)
ORIGINAL: willyums Thanks for the suggestions on this - having lurked on the forum for a while, it was more in hope than expectation that there might be a magic wand for the Events Engine - Beer it is! On the Deployment issue, none of the issues above seem to be the problem - on closer inspection it looks like the OOB is corrupted - 3 units show in the Order of Battle drop down from the View tab but don't appear in the Forces editor to be assigned equipment or to a formation. Anyone know whether this is recoverable? I'm up to around 1500 units across the two sides so hopefully I won't have to rebuild from scratch! Thanks, Willyums I've straightened things like this out. First step: delete the units, and see if your problem goes away. Then recreate them -- one at a time -- and see if it comes back. Usually it's something embarassingly simple. Have you checked to see if you're duplicating any unit names? I'm working on a beast now -- when the unit list got too long I started searching the scenario dump to make sure any new name wasn't already in use. Also, units doing things they legally can't do. Air units on a hex that no longer has an airfield might excite the program, for example. I was sweating blood over one of my 'mobile airfields' that was causing problems. I finally realized it had the wrong unit type symbol. Instead of being 'RR artillery' edited to look like the tactical symbol for 'air,' it really was air. The program was willing to let me have a modified aircraft carrier in a rail unit -- but not in an 'air' unit.