Tac2i -> NATO Counters (Solitaire/Multiplayer) (4/21/2011 1:15:00 AM)
NATO Counters - Solitaire/Multiplayer (last updated August 1, 2015) (this mod still valid for 2.28b 12/05/20) NOTE: With Vic's latest patch (v2.21g) your units (not the AI) gain NATO counters with a button to switch between them and the regular silhouette counters (once you apply a TO&E template to them). With this new version, the only reason to use one of the below NATO counter mods is to give the AI NATO counters or you want NATO symbols in the Standard and Alt Graphic game types as well. Note that if you use one of my NATO mods you will not have silhouette counters for your units and neither will the AI. In other words, if you use my mod then it is NATO counters for you and the AI with no silhouette counters. There is a mod to put the silhouette counters back if you change your mind after installing. If you like to use NATO military counters in your ATG random games (solitaire and/or multiplayer) but some of your multiplayer opponents do not, this mod is for you. The best thing about the Solitaire/Multiplayer mod is that it does not require an update with each new ATG patch (unless the patch resets the regular counters). If you decide you want to use the standard unit counters again, there is also a mod to put them back. You can easily switch between them in a matter of seconds. As mentioned, v2.21g gives you a button to do this without a mod, at least for you own units. NOTE: my NATO mods have no affect on any other mod that uses its own set of custom unit counters (for example Ormand's Graphics Mod and Bombur's mods). Install File Method (any ATG version) (use install/zip file button): Turn regular counters into NATO counters (right click download link): regTOnato (minor refresh 6/02/15) (overwrites your regular unit counters) - use this one if you want the AI to use NATO counters) Turn NATO counters back into regular counters (right click download link) natoTOreg (puts the regular silhouette unit counters back) The above NATO mods have no affect on other players other than if you share screenshots, they will show NATO counters. Use the ATG "install zip/file" button to install. I'd recommend you keep both files available for use. Note 1: If you have customized regular counters, then you should back them up first before changing them. Note 2: Even with this mod, to have large NATO counters in "Zoomed In" mode as depicted below requires a change to the generic.at2/generic2.at2/anewdawn.at2/anewdawn2/3.at2 files. If you are comfortable with the editor it is Setng->RuleVars->Engine Graphics->871 -> change value to 0 and save. This will give you large and standard size NATO counters. (instructions) ---------------------- Note 2 Instructions ------------------------ Editor: load at2 file using Load Scenario button, press Edit. steps 1 - 6 (step 1 is click on setng button/step 5 is change value of rulvar 871 from 1 to 0) step 6a step 7 ----------------------- These changes will only affect new games. They will have no affect on saved games before the change was made. Note 3: When you install a new ATG update from Matrix Games, it will very likely reset the regular counters. If so you'll need to reinstall the NATO Mod. You may also need to reset RuleVar 871 to 0 again in the all the random game at2 files. Note 4: The NATO counters used by the new TO&E template feature are located in a different folder than the counters provided by this mod. Those NATO counters were based on this set but there may be some minor differences and/or additions. [image]local://upfiles/16226/FEAAE33B25DA456BA7AB56A1263DC823.jpg[/image]