Awesome Game! (Full Version)

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TheBlackhorse -> Awesome Game! (4/22/2011 4:28:13 PM)

What a pleasant surprise! This game is fantastic!

Thanks Matrix and Slitherine for producing a FUN and engaging Medieval game.

Alan Sharif -> RE: Awesome Game! (4/22/2011 4:49:08 PM)

I enjoy it to but appear to be in the minority hence my silence.

milkweg -> RE: Awesome Game! (4/22/2011 11:12:04 PM)

I was interested in buying it until I read you can't command archers to hold fire. They have an unlimited supply of arrows or what? 

IainMcNeil -> RE: Awesome Game! (4/23/2011 7:10:18 AM)

Yes they have unlimited ammo so there is no reason to hold fire. Ammo is rarely if ever modelled in these game.

TheBlackhorse -> RE: Awesome Game! (4/23/2011 8:47:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: milkweg

I was interested in buying it until I read you can't command archers to hold fire. They have an unlimited supply of arrows or what? 

Hmm.It isn't a simulation as much as a FUN game. It also uses battle-cards that th player is able to use at various times during a battle to influence events. The use of those certainly isn't realistic.

No, my comments deal strictly with the FUN meter, which is very much pegged with this little gem. I find myself saying "just one more" quite often.

I'm currently conducting many raids to get my Army into shape for the Battle of Morlaix. I will not go into the battle until I have what I believe to be a sufficient number of experienced units.

All raids give units experience and fill the Commander's coffers with gold; gold that can be spent on more units or upgrades or both.

I'm having an absolute BLAST.

milkweg -> RE: Awesome Game! (4/24/2011 4:05:46 AM)

Was playing King Arthur just this morning and I can command archers to hold fire in that game, it's not a realistic battle sim either and even has magic. I believe TW games you can order archers to hold fire too.

IainMcNeil -> RE: Awesome Game! (4/24/2011 8:47:04 AM)

I just don't see the issue. There is no gameplay advantage to holding fire so we don't allow it.

milkweg -> RE: Awesome Game! (5/6/2011 8:52:59 PM)

Then why did I see a post from someone complaining that he had to move his archers into a corner of a map so that they would not fire? What about when you send in foot soldiers into a group that is being fired upon by your archers, they don't take friendly fire? In the advertising brochures it claims this game is realistic but now you are saying that is not the scope of the game. I was considering buying it because I thought it was supposed to be realistic but if that is the case then I won't.

IainMcNeil -> RE: Awesome Game! (5/7/2011 11:04:28 PM)

I have no idea why someone would try to avoid having the archers fire. The game is very realistic but we decided not model ammo for gameplay reasons. If you can't live with that it's your call :)

milkweg -> RE: Awesome Game! (5/23/2011 2:40:35 PM)

You don't want archers firing when you send in the foot soldiers because they will take friendly fire from the archers. Let me guess, that isn't modeled either. If you had a demo it would make my decision a lot easier. Hint, hint. :)

IainMcNeil -> RE: Awesome Game! (5/24/2011 9:57:17 AM)

No we dont have friendly fire because we do not allow you to stop firing. The design has to hang together as a whole.

We dont have plans to make a demo right now - sorry!

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