Apheirox -> So, AI in this game is just piss poor or what? (4/23/2011 3:33:19 PM)
AI in both 2526 and Supernova... - Sends out unescorted arks with no effort to protect them, even when sending right next to hostile worlds - Takes quite a while before bothering building missile turrets on new colonies - Defends colonies with turrets ONLY, making it a breeze to simply send in marines to blow everything up and take over the colony. No anti-ground defense whatsoever. - Has no fleets. At all. - Happily sends single ships to their doom on worlds that were just assaulted by massive 20+ fleets. Does the same with arks, trying to colonize worlds that were wiped out just a few rounds earlier. - Also appears to be unrestricted by range limitations imposed by the player, sending ships extremely far into player territory with no nearby bases. Has this been your experience also?