looking for opponent, short battle (Full Version)

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Gruvan -> looking for opponent, short battle (9/27/2002 12:11:32 AM)


Did not PBEM for long time. I'd like to manage a short battle, choose your side,

We can discuss about which scenario and option.

See you,


Tamza -> (9/27/2002 5:16:50 PM)

hi im looking for some to manage me through my first pbem battle(so a small battle would suit) have spwaw version 7.1 so if u dont mind playing a rookie.

Gruvan -> (9/29/2002 11:17:13 PM)

Ok, for me.

As I wrote, I did not PBME for long time, sent you a private mail for details, suggets you answear the same way.


Gruvan -> The fight begins (10/3/2002 2:36:49 AM)

Ok, German troop are ahead. This is july 1944, neaur Coutance. We must clear the road.
Nothing about the ennemy yet. what will it be. We have no information except US troops are driving straightahead to us. Guns are readdy, eyes opened.


Tamza -> prob (10/3/2002 3:30:09 AM)

the file u sent is invalid only 1byte in size can u re-send them

Gruvan -> (10/3/2002 5:40:33 AM)

Ok just sent it another way, hope it will work this time. Seems we are not awake the same time, was 00 h 48 sending this, middle of night !

Tamza -> first kill (10/4/2002 2:27:11 AM)

Scouting M5 commander spots enemy fo jeep as he crest small hill, with well aimed shot sees FO explode.Small village ahead, looks like the enemy has plans for this too.

Gruvan -> American are evrywhere ! (10/4/2002 5:29:01 AM)

Our hero had just time enought to revel us there are infantery and tanks evrywhere near the village before burning. Our troop will fight bravely against overnumbered enemy.
Many mechanich problems delay our advance. Enemy loadded Halftrack on the hill south south Est from the village tried to shoot small detachement of our troops emerging from woods. We managed to make a quick smoke screen to protect.
Enemy still bombing the Noth way in of the Village. Wood house is burning, Civilian ran away.


Tamza -> arrgh (10/4/2002 8:58:43 AM)

Enemy spotted to the north ,m4a3 engages 251/1 ht and three panzerchk and kills two and one in retreat and halftrack wont last long,enemy movement spotted in central village, and to the south there seems to be light armour grouping for an assault creating some smoke, no tanks sighted yet ,were are they.

Gruvan -> Arghh too ! (10/4/2002 5:24:06 PM)

Background :
Heavy mortar shot on objectives flag. Blind shot it seems.

Village :
Enemy offfensive is slow but strong. Village is bombed by artillery and indirect range from Stuart tank. Smokes on the small hill East from the village, what's in it ?

North from the village :
First a machine gun is fired by ambushed panzerchk and halftrack. After his retreat, two M4 tanks, arrived. This was the ambush objective. Alas, none of their shoot was effectice, unless they were in a small valley, shooting at one hex. All were destroyed in heavy fight. Halftrack is out too. No conteroffensive this turn. Seems to be heavy out there.

South to the village :
German Halftrack tried a quick drive ahead to find what was behind the smoke. Found a FO and infantery, both retreated.

Extrem south of rhe map, spotted an enemy Halftrack and tried to damage it , too far away. What is behind ?

Fight is going on.

Tamza -> ur turn (10/5/2002 1:58:02 AM)

North seems quieter now hope i made then think again

To the south east of village enemy halftracks force recon and FO to fall back,m4 attacks halftracks destroying 1 and forcing two rifle squads to fall back but takes incoming fire from 88,s

seems to be a lot of probin from enemy forces think there will be some major engagements soon, look forward to it.:rolleyes:

Gruvan -> (10/6/2002 5:15:38 PM)

Extrem North is quiet for now,

North from the village, American M4 tanks and infantery are slowly ahead, with no opposition except for a heavy cost infantery attack which destroyed an empty american halftrack, protected by a Stuart tank. Remaining halftrack crew suicide attack with no effect.

The village is not attacked yet but slowly surrounded.

South to the village, all my line diseapeared : infantery antitank is useless, infantery was not able to make even one shot while being attacked by 1 M4, 1 Stuart and infantery and was partially destroyed : 2 squad and 2 halftrack of for nothing ! The last halftrack with remaining squad get shot while going away by a lucky ambushed M4. Squad is immobilized in vulnerable condition.

Extrem south : Nohing seems to move this turn, except american mortar bombing small woods South - West from the village. 88 is unlucky.:mad:

Tamza -> ouch (10/7/2002 1:29:47 AM)

m4's engage at squad to north and force retreat ,but lose m4 to covering 88 fire.

Fighting round central village intensifies cover from enemy 88's slow progress causing some casualties,

To the south 88's destroy haltrack dam those 88's:mad:

Gruvan -> (10/7/2002 7:00:46 AM)

Extreme north steel quiet.

North from the village :
AT infantery still useless against M4. After long time 88 seems to defend a little, one M4 shot, finishing crew with Alftrack.

Village :
Supported many shot from infantery and halftrack. Village still surronded, low halftrack german response to flee a Us infantry squad.

South from the village : 88 good response ;) one halftrack and one M4 shot. Was lucky this time :D

Extrem south : nothing moves this turn, just a burning halftrack. I know M4 is ambushed around there on the two level hill. :rolleyes:

East from the village : 88 zone bombed by many mortars. Much more than last turn, out of map artillery suspected. Still bombing objective flag too.


Tamza -> my tanks (10/7/2002 7:40:53 AM)

Hi Gurvan, m4's finish of halftrack to the north otherwise quite up there

Fighting in and around the village continues lost m4 and m5 to 88,s but some german squads in retreat south of village otherwise quite.

gonna have to nail those 88,s my arty seems unable to silence them just need to drop more on them:D

Gruvan -> (10/8/2002 4:45:54 AM)


Exterme north from the village still quiet.

North from the village : AT infantery destroyed attacking M4, Us squad retreat but halftrack and german infantery pinned in contact with attacked sturat tank, it is stronger than it seems and well covered by MG. I did not saw it !

Village :
German conter offensive against Us infantery : all seen squads retreat due to MG ambushed ;), then halftrack shot one squad after one, even one detroyed, US halftrack pinned by recon german : squad anti tank infantery still useless !!! Did not see any tank in the fog there. Expect they will be the second wave. Seems I can not hope anything from infantery against vehicules.

North from the village :
As I said my line is of there, Us zone except fleeing squad. Lot of smoke.

Extrem south :
Love the 88, will give them a medal, one M4 shot ! Seen other movements : halftrack is coming.

Hill in the East from the village :
Heavy artillery and direct shots from tanks and all which is able to shoted on 88. Seems there is an unfriendly atmosphère here :D

What if I did not have 88 there !!! I expected better from AT infantery. These one are as bad as 88 are good. But there are tanks evrywhere, well acompagnied by infantery.


Tamza -> hi (10/8/2002 8:36:24 AM)

North, hi, in the north stuart and infantary spot and destroy loaded halftrack escaping from village and rifle squad.

Village,managed to box in two enemy h/tracks in the village and destroy another rifle squad mg still holding out,

South and West, to the west enemy atry seems to have moved position ,getting to hot for them i think,in the south small skirmish costs me a halftrack but at a cost to german infantry.

Gruvan -> (10/8/2002 5:29:14 PM)

Extreme north :
Still quiet except for one artillery shot.

North from the village :
Suffred heavy losses during américan phase : 2 anti tank infantery, one squad and one halftrack :eek: . Did not conter attack there this turn.

Village :
Remaining troops, surviving after massive infantery attack :mad: conter attack and destroyed two halftrack inside the village but where unable to make a real success again infantery surronding the village. May be evacuating should have been a beter solution :confused:

South from the village:
Still american zone. No tanks seen there. Must be waiting somwhere. No fight.

Extreme south :
Lonely Us infantery, remaining from loaded halftrack exploration fleeing due to heavy machine gun shots, seems to still alive. A second M4 is fleeing, I do not know why, Tried to shot it with 88, but not this time:(

Hill East from the village :
81 mortars shot 88 zone.

Gruvan -> (10/8/2002 8:22:42 PM)


Extreme north East :
German, hidding and infiltrating halftrack, while looking for discretion and a protected place fall on Us hedquarter making him fleeing. This is a surprised I did not expect here !:D Shot a MG there too. Tried to bomb Us mortar, do not know about the result.

North from the village :
Counter attack against M5 : I Finnaly got it :) , was hard. Cost a AT infantery, but squad finaly succeed. Arround the tank, a Us squad is destroyed by Halftrack and an other one is fleeing because of halftrack and german infantry who suffered losses.

Village :
Two german MG shooting, to flee 2 Us squads but did not succeed against Us MG retreached inside a village house. Seems there is no operating tank there. :confused:

South of the village :
Still Us zone, The one who destroyed German halftrack and recon squad who attacked last turn came from there. I am too buzy to come and see what's up, and there is a heavy shooting neightbour. ;)

Extreme south :
Too quiet, a M4 ambushed in trees shot on the opposite side of the map on running halftrack. Did not work this time. Seems there is a slow advance.


Tamza -> forgot to post this lol (10/8/2002 9:40:16 PM)

hi, North all seems quiet,in the village fighting continues with the loss of two US halftracks and 1 german halftrack and a few mg skirmishes.

To the south german halftrack holds up US advance causing some casualties.

Central seems quiet also so but think i can smell an ambush too quiet dont like the look of that row off trees ahead.

The VH's on centrell road have given home to an 88 wich exchanges fire with us m5.
this is meant to be above the last post

Gruvan -> (10/10/2002 1:03:32 AM)


Nort East :
Halftrack survived from Hq conterattack so, HQ is destroyed :D . Triing to end fast with infiltrated halftrack and recon vehicule : only one american flag left on the last objective. We'll see what's up. Immobilized M4 on the north of the village is shooting on an immobilized halftrack. This will be over for him :(

North from the village :
Conter attack going on, no resistance seen now except from the immobilized M4.

Village :
My MG ! :mad: They diseapeared because of US infantry. Outgoing Halftrack detroyed on the south way out by Us infantry coming from south of the village.

South from the village :
The infantry coming from what I called US zone is getting closer from the village.German ambushed Halftrack and infantry shoot at them from down the hill West from the village.

South west from the village:
Ambushed german infantry and halftrack conter attack against approching Us element. American MG and M4 (and his crew;)) destroyed at the cost of infantry losses and one AT infantry. The engineer loaded on M4 is fleeing, as US other M4 crew.

Well, I try to make it faster :D


Tamza -> still fighting (10/10/2002 4:46:27 AM)

hi gurvan. to the extreme north al fighting has ceased enemy forces have passed and captyerd VH's to th east,

Villlage battle has almost ended assault on HT fails those ladds in troubleand to extreme south us forces destroyed.

The battle has been fierce and geman forces advance on all quarters but US commander refuses to surrender as he still has several squads in the field just as long as i can get the jump on those halftracks can still count 5 or 6 in action,the HT to the south shot my mg as he ran away not nice.:mad:
ps, did i forget to mention those mg,s destroyed last turn:rolleyes:

Adamo -> (10/10/2002 11:31:12 AM)

I know this is none of my business and please don't shout at me for asking but why don't you guys just speak to each other in your emails to each other when you're sending your turns back and forth. You are playing a PBEM right?

Gruvan -> (10/10/2002 11:04:35 PM)

To Adamo :

For my part I feel it funny to write the event, like a story : had the idea from somone writing details about a War in Russia Campaign. I was playing the campaign against IA at this moment. I liked it. So I tried the same with a SPWAW PBEM :cool: . Do you feel it disturbing ?

So here is the rest of the story :

North from the village :
Quiet place, now, last seen US squad destroyed. But I did not attack immobilized M4 ;)

Village :
Seems to become Alamo there. The problem is I do not have all the mexican army with me. Us squads came in I destroyed one of them with HT, but many seems to come from Us Zone on the south.

South from the village :
Us squad moving to village pressed by long range shots, with no real effect.

Extrem south :
Seems there is only a fleeing crew here, German halftrack and troops manage to approch from Us Zone, firing.

East :
Last objective flag is now german :D . Seen mortars making smoke. HT and Wagon, explorating zone east from the village found two fleeing Us squad, one destroyed, the other still alive, too near from HT for me.

Tamza -> adamo (10/11/2002 3:40:19 AM)

its quite common for peeps to post battle reports granted this should really have been posted in AAR/DAR (have u seen this thread)but we are new ,and next battle will be.:D

ps,nobody forcing u to read it especially with my typing.:D .

Adamo -> (10/12/2002 5:59:12 AM)

No, please, I meant no disrespect. I enjoyed reading it actually. I didn't know that people even did this. I will try it in my next game! Are you 2 playing against each other?

Gruvan -> End of battle (10/12/2002 9:44:57 PM)

To Adamo :

I thought this was clear, We were fighting each other.

Battle report :
And now there is a major german victory. thank's to 88 which made good work. Us was not easy to fight. I had bad feeling on turn 3-4-5. If the artillery had more definitive effect, or if 88 could not move any more, things should be vey different. That's the game. and this was a good and funny one :D .

Thanks to Tamza ;)


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