Oleg Mastruko -> Stop this right now... (10/2/2002 5:43:43 AM)
Oh come on! Don't be so righteous. What is next? Whole thread devoted to "I am sorry I used this on you!" "And I am sorry too!" boo-bloody-hoo-hoo - deadly opponens crying and falling into each other's arms... and possibly more... ;) I for one don't see anything wrong with exploiting this... "situation" (I won't even call it a "bug" since we don't know whether it's intended by developers or not). I didn't notice it, I never used it, and most probably never will (especially as US - I don't see Wildcats being very usefull outside CV), but if any of my opponents wants to use this - they're free to do so. If the Japanese player is allowed to transfer his Zero Daitais from CVs in Truk to Rabaul in the very first move (and that's what I usually do, to provide LRCAP immediatelly), why it is "more" wrong to transfer aircraft from CVs that are already on their way to Noumea or Truk? Let's assume they are within aircraft radius, transfer the planes, use them as you see fit and move on. Now if transfer of aircraft would be available from CVs in Tokyo or Pearl that's another matter, but from CVs that are already on their way - sounds fine to me. Let's not become to "politically correct" re using various "devices" in this game. Without ahistorically aggressive use of resources there would be no wargames. I am all for setting strict home rules in advance, and adhering to them, and I have my "set" of home rules I use in my games, but this is just going too far IMO. O.