BrubakerII -> (10/17/2002 6:34:03 PM)
Firstly for Swampee I think you will find (and this is by no means gospel) that although battlefields and Korsun Pocket look superficially similar, that Battlefields! will require a higher technical understanding than KP will. It might be fair to compar Battlefields! in that way to Uncommon Valour. Korsun Pocket on the other hand, while still portraying all the necessary complexities, hides them much more and in this way is probably more accessible to the beginning player. Is this diplomatic enough? :) I loved V4V and W@W in solo play, but found them so complex they took forever to move in turns in h2h play. The Decisive Battles series on the other hand allows you to get right into those grand strategic struggles against your buddy, without having to take a course in Tactical Planning in the mean time. To use an Australian axiom, it is 'horses for courses'. Both will be great games but for different reasons. And for Ralph, though I hope you are wrong :D what you say makes perfect business sense and would be what I would do if I was the developer/publisher of this game. The Ardennes Offensive scenerios/campaigns are at present set to ship with this game so in fact it will be like getting two games for the price of one. Brubaker