michaelm75au -> RE: Accelerating Japanese airframes (9/17/2011 3:56:29 PM)
ORIGINAL: Numdydar quote:
ORIGINAL: michaelm In simple terms (a) A factory will produce a random R&D between 0 and the number of devices in the factory ie 1 device = 0, 2 devices = 0,1, 3 devices =0,1,2, 4 devices = 0,1,2,3, 10 devices = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 etc. (b) The random R&D is then divided by 10. Any random R&D of less than 10 will be '0', otherwise it will be the ten's component of the random R&D. (c) If there are no damaged devices in factory (this is a given as there must be NO damaged ones present), add '1' to the number from (b). (d) If the number from (c) exceeds 3, it is capped at '3'. The number from (d) is added to the a/c development counter - this will be a number from 1 to 3 inclusive. Once the counter exceeds 100, it moves the available date sooner by a month and resets the development counter. So the above explaination is the correct one once q4 is released? There is a step before (a) that is missing. (a.1) Number of initial devices from factory is as a/c production ( active devices + random(30)/30). If this number is 0 or any damaged devices present, then no R&D this turn from this factory. (a.2) A factory will produce a random R&D between 1 and the number of devices from step (a.1) ie 1 device = 1, 2 devices = 1,2, 3 devices =1,2,3, 4 devices = 1,2,3,4 10 devices = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 etc. This puts it back to what was there before the p8 muckup.