RE: Accelerationg Japanese airframes (Full Version)

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crsutton -> RE: Accelerationg Japanese airframes (6/18/2011 6:51:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: Numdydar

If you have PDU off then acceleration really does not have a great impact as with it On as you will not be able to use the accelerated planes execpt in those squardons that upgraded to them historically. So acceleration only really comes into it's on when PDU is on. Of course it will be On for both sides, so choise wisely [:D].

Against a human Allied player, I would suggest to make the game more 'even' (not that it really can be lol) would be to play with PDU Off. While you will be able to produce better aircraft faster with PDU On, the Allies can create some very good squadrons with better planes too. I've played it both ways and both have their advantages and disadvantages so it is really up to the player(s) involved. 

No, not really. The Allied player is always limited in production. So it matters little if I can create 20 squadrons of P47s when I can only produce 55 per month. Unlike the Japanese players who can focus on one or two good fighters types and fill out his squadrons out with PDU on, the Allied player is much more limited and has to build and use his crappy stuff until the historical end date. In 12/43 I am still producing boomerangs, P39s, warhawks, FM wildcats and so on. I only wish I could change over production to better planes. PDU and control of production absolutely benefits the Japanese player. Not saying it is a bad thing but the benefit to the Allied player is limited.

Numdydar -> RE: Accelerationg Japanese airframes (6/18/2011 7:38:23 PM)

As far as quanity of plane types go you are correct.

The issue I have with PDU On against a human player is that the Allies can take the few squadrons of the good planes that exist, like the B24s, P38s etc. and build very highly effective groups by allocating their very best pilots in them (say 70-80+ range). So even though you get a fixed amount as the Allies, you can make every one of the better plane types be far more effective that it would appear.

I am in early 43 and for the last 3-4 months I have had 60-70 B24s and 30-40 P38s wrecking havoc. This is because with PDU On everyone of these planes are flying versus having to wait for a squadron to become available that can be upgraded to these types.

So if the Allies are getting 20 P38s a month all 20 can be put in action every month with PDU On. With PDU Off, using these would be dependent on the proper squadron being available to accept them, so the Allies may have to wait several months to used these planes. This to me is why PDU should be Off when not playing against the AI. Maybe even against the AI too lol. It would depend on how effective the AI would use the ability to change airframes at will.

Alfred -> RE: Accelerationg Japanese airframes (6/18/2011 7:55:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: Numdydar

As far as quanity of plane types go you are correct.

The issue I have with PDU On against a human player is that the Allies can take the few squadrons of the good planes that exist, like the B24s, P38s etc. and build very highly effective groups by allocating their very best pilots in them (say 70-80+ range). So even though you get a fixed amount as the Allies, you can make every one of the better plane types be far more effective that it would appear.

I am in early 43 and for the last 3-4 months I have had 60-70 B24s and 30-40 P38s wrecking havoc. This is because with PDU On everyone of these planes are flying versus having to wait for a squadron to become available that can be upgraded to these types.

So if the Allies are getting 20 P38s a month all 20 can be put in action every month with PDU On. With PDU Off, using these would be dependent on the proper squadron being available to accept them, so the Allies may have to wait several months to used these planes. This to me is why PDU should be Off when not playing against the AI. Maybe even against the AI too lol. It would depend on how effective the AI would use the ability to change airframes at will.

Have you actually bothered to check whether with PDU OFF, there is no such squadron available to accept the new P-38 airframes.


pompack -> RE: Accelerationg Japanese airframes (6/18/2011 8:26:21 PM)

While the algorithm below has not been explicetly stated so far, it is implied by a number of the posts above. I am just summarizing and simplifying it

1. select a far downstream airframe you want to accellerate, e.g. the Tony Ki100-1
2. trace that airframe back down the factory upgrade path to the next available airframe not yet in production, e.g. the Ki 61-1-d Tony
3. decide what your "sweetspot" is, e.g. 4x30 factories
4. reassign R&D factories until you have the desired number of factories
5. increase each factory until it is at the desired target level
6. run turns until each factory reaches the target level; as each fills out shift it following the factory upgrade path to the final target airframe

Rationale: R&D repair rate is a function of target date where the earlier date repairs faster. Factories shifted along the factory repair path are not reset to damaged.

Numdydar -> RE: Accelerationg Japanese airframes (6/18/2011 11:09:04 PM)




ORIGINAL: Numdydar

As far as quanity of plane types go you are correct.

The issue I have with PDU On against a human player is that the Allies can take the few squadrons of the good planes that exist, like the B24s, P38s etc. and build very highly effective groups by allocating their very best pilots in them (say 70-80+ range). So even though you get a fixed amount as the Allies, you can make every one of the better plane types be far more effective that it would appear.

I am in early 43 and for the last 3-4 months I have had 60-70 B24s and 30-40 P38s wrecking havoc. This is because with PDU On everyone of these planes are flying versus having to wait for a squadron to become available that can be upgraded to these types.

So if the Allies are getting 20 P38s a month all 20 can be put in action every month with PDU On. With PDU Off, using these would be dependent on the proper squadron being available to accept them, so the Allies may have to wait several months to used these planes. This to me is why PDU should be Off when not playing against the AI. Maybe even against the AI too lol. It would depend on how effective the AI would use the ability to change airframes at will.

Have you actually bothered to check whether with PDU OFF, there is no such squadron available to accept the new P-38 airframes.


To rephase to make sure I understand your point, is this. Is it possible that with PDU Off, there may be situations where there will be no squadrons available at all (i.e. never) that will accept a particular airframe? So that if a player gets quanties of Plane Type A, they will never be able to use them due to no squadron ever available to accept them with PDU Off.

If my understanding of your question is correct, the answer is no. For any airframe there will be at least one or more squadrons that can upgrade to it. You may only have one that can upgrade, lol, but you will have at least one. For many squadrons you have a choice of upgrdes that the squadron can chose from.

Numdydar -> RE: Accelerationg Japanese airframes (6/18/2011 11:22:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: pompack

While the algorithm below has not been explicetly stated so far, it is implied by a number of the posts above. I am just summarizing and simplifying it

1. select a far downstream airframe you want to accellerate, e.g. the Tony Ki100-1
2. trace that airframe back down the factory upgrade path to the next available airframe not yet in production, e.g. the Ki 61-1-d Tony
3. decide what your "sweetspot" is, e.g. 4x30 factories
4. reassign R&D factories until you have the desired number of factories
5. increase each factory until it is at the desired target level
6. run turns until each factory reaches the target level; as each fills out shift it following the factory upgrade path to the final target airframe

Rationale: R&D repair rate is a function of target date where the earlier date repairs faster. Factories shifted along the factory repair path are not reset to damaged.

Very nice summary. I would like to add one small change at step 6

6. Once the factories are fully repaired, wait until one month before the airframe you are researching becomes availabble.
7. Now switch to the next plane in the R&D sequence, IF and only IF you have the time to accelerate by two months or more. Otherwise skip to the next airframe in the squence.

The changes above will allow you to get better airframes faster rather than having to wait all the way to the last one in squence. This way you could get the A6M5 Zero faster, along with the 5b and 5c, etc. versions. Instead of just going for the last step A6M8 all at once.

While it may be possible to 'skip' a stage by going for the one at the end, I am not sure how pratical it would be. Also, one danger would be that you would have to make damn sure that whatever engine they used would be available too. It would not do to have an airframe accelerated by a year and have to wait six months for the engines to show up, lol.

inqistor -> RE: Accelerationg Japanese airframes (6/19/2011 9:14:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: Numdydar
Regardless, it appears that there is some form of a cap on the repair rate for R&D factories that prevents them from ever reaching the 1/day rate that production factories enjoy.

I think the formula for R&D repair was posted somewhere in old WITP forum, so it can be outdated, or there was none, who actually tested it.

However, your results ARE surprising.

Numdydar -> RE: Accelerationg Japanese airframes (6/19/2011 3:22:47 PM)

That's why I wanted to use two factories in the test in order to see if there were any other varables that were not normally apparent. So there is some unknown major variations in the R&D repair that are not present in the production ones. Having one repair twice as fast as the other with all variables the same execpt city location, makes me wonder what the test would show if both factories were located in Tokyo.

The two cities I used for the test were Kobe and Ulksonomiya. Both connected by rail, on the Japanese home Is., etc. Yet Kobe repaired to 5 while Ulk only got to 2. I guess the scientists in Kobe are better than the ones at Ulk [:D] 

FeurerKrieg -> RE: Accelerationg Japanese airframes (7/18/2011 11:09:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: Numdydar


ORIGINAL: pompack

While the algorithm below has not been explicetly stated so far, it is implied by a number of the posts above. I am just summarizing and simplifying it

1. select a far downstream airframe you want to accellerate, e.g. the Tony Ki100-1
2. trace that airframe back down the factory upgrade path to the next available airframe not yet in production, e.g. the Ki 61-1-d Tony
3. decide what your "sweetspot" is, e.g. 4x30 factories
4. reassign R&D factories until you have the desired number of factories
5. increase each factory until it is at the desired target level
6. run turns until each factory reaches the target level; as each fills out shift it following the factory upgrade path to the final target airframe

Rationale: R&D repair rate is a function of target date where the earlier date repairs faster. Factories shifted along the factory repair path are not reset to damaged.

Very nice summary. I would like to add one small change at step 6

6. Once the factories are fully repaired, wait until one month before the airframe you are researching becomes availabble.
7. Now switch to the next plane in the R&D sequence, IF and only IF you have the time to accelerate by two months or more. Otherwise skip to the next airframe in the squence.

The changes above will allow you to get better airframes faster rather than having to wait all the way to the last one in squence. This way you could get the A6M5 Zero faster, along with the 5b and 5c, etc. versions. Instead of just going for the last step A6M8 all at once.

While it may be possible to 'skip' a stage by going for the one at the end, I am not sure how pratical it would be. Also, one danger would be that you would have to make damn sure that whatever engine they used would be available too. It would not do to have an airframe accelerated by a year and have to wait six months for the engines to show up, lol.

Hi all -

Just reviewing this again, and I think there are times that it would be better to try and skip ahead because once the R&D factory is repaired, the two months (or whatever) that you spend accelerating that next frame could be two more months that the farther out frame is accelerated. I think it will be important to evaluate where your game is versus what frames you want when. There are times when things get into a lull for a couple months and it might be better to plan ahead and say (assume X is the farther out frame, and Y is the next in line), "I'd rather have X frame in March 1943 rather than getting Y 2 months early and getting X in May/June 1943 because I expect that I will be fighting more in March 1943 than I am in July 1942."

I hope that makes sense - my point is just that once the R&D factory is repaired, if you leave it working on a near term frame you are giving up advancement time on the down the road frame - it isn't like the R&D points are produced any faster for a closer frame - only that damaged R&D is repair faster.

This is a great thread BTW - thanks for starting it Numdydar.

Numdydar -> RE: Accelerationg Japanese airframes (7/19/2011 4:01:33 AM)

Thanks for the kind words.

As I was very confused myself about how all of this worked and could not find a single thread that had all the pieces about Japanese R&D, I thought I would help out others that might have wanted to play the 'dark side [:)]' but were overwhelmed by how Japanese production worked. Especially airframes. I'm glad you found it useful.

ilovestrategy -> RE: Accelerationg Japanese airframes (7/19/2011 4:56:55 AM)

The detail into this game after all these years(original witp too) never ceases to amaze me.

SuluSea -> RE: Accelerationg Japanese airframes (7/27/2011 12:15:09 PM)

Hey guys are you dumping any R&D into the Ki-44? It would seem to just focus it all on the Ki-44-IIa since they're both available in 9.42. Don't ask me how I did it because in my hand written plan on R&D I somehow had the Ki-44 available in 6.42 so this comes as an epiphany to me. [;)][:o][:'(] Again don't ask how I arrived at the 6.42 figure. <needbraincrampsmilie>


Puhis -> RE: Accelerationg Japanese airframes (7/27/2011 1:00:54 PM)

No reason to R&D basic Ki-44, Ki-44-IIa is a better plane.

SuluSea -> RE: Accelerationg Japanese airframes (7/27/2011 1:45:54 PM)

Well, some good came out of my mistake , when I changed the R&D factories from the 44 to the 44-IIa I thought I might be back to square one but the factories repaired points stayed the same. [:)] 

Numdydar -> RE: Accelerationg Japanese airframes (7/28/2011 6:26:35 AM)

Too funny. I did not even include the Ki-44 in my factory chart in the OP as I never thouight anyone would ever have a factory research one [:D]. Glad it worked out for you [:)]

Numdydar -> RE: Accelerationg Japanese airframes (9/17/2011 4:19:02 AM)

Bump for MAJOR change in R&D

michaelm75au -> RE: Accelerationg Japanese airframes (9/17/2011 6:25:03 AM)

Becareful what you are using to compare the numbers from.

1. At release, R&D Factories only counted if there were no damaged devices present.
2. Somewhere around beta p8 (to allow R&D factory change before starting production if R&D option ON), I had inadvertently left out the check for no damaged devices. This lead to an increase in a/c development - how big depended on the size of the undamaged factory resulting in possible '3's per turn when no should have.
3. This has been fixed in beta q4 installer (the one for this weekend). There is a beta q3a EXE that also has the fix in the support thread.

chuckj118 -> RE: Accelerationg Japanese airframes (9/17/2011 2:05:03 PM)

In answer to your post date 6/18/2011 about PDU being on.

Having PDU turned off would only cause a certain amount of inconvenience. The major issue with the P-38, B-17, B-24,P-47 is not a lack of squadrons - it is a lack of air frames. So the only issue turning PDU off would cause is it would force the USA player to possibly move different squadrons to where he wants them. For example, in our game we are now at May '43 and I have NEVER had more than 3 squadrons of P-38's. If I remember correctly I have actually had to turn P-38 squadrons into P-40 units due to a lack of P-38 air frames.

The only real problem I am having with lack of squadrons is with the various recon units. I received one type of airframe for 3 or 4 months before getting a squadron that could use them. This was with PDU turn ON!

The other issue, placing your best pilots in your best airframes would occur whether PDU is on or off.

I think you are over estimating the impact that PDU has on a game. It is more for the players convience than a major game balance issue.

michaelm75au -> RE: Accelerating Japanese airframes (9/17/2011 2:52:59 PM)

It appears that the bug I introduced in p8 has also caused me to report the wrong information here.

The fix in the coming q4 should correct this by putting it back to correct method based on production first, and then the other reported calculations.
One tiny '{}' in the wrong place has caused all this confusion.
Go figure[:@][:o]

Numdydar -> RE: Accelerating Japanese airframes (9/17/2011 3:02:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: michaelm

In simple terms
(a) A factory will produce a random R&D between 0 and the number of devices in the factory ie 1 device = 0, 2 devices = 0,1, 3 devices =0,1,2, 4 devices = 0,1,2,3, 10 devices = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 etc.
(b) The random R&D is then divided by 10. Any random R&D of less than 10 will be '0', otherwise it will be the ten's component of the random R&D.
(c) If there are no damaged devices in factory (this is a given as there must be NO damaged ones present), add '1' to the number from (b).
(d) If the number from (c) exceeds 3, it is capped at '3'.

The number from (d) is added to the a/c development counter - this will be a number from 1 to 3 inclusive.
Once the counter exceeds 100, it moves the available date sooner by a month and resets the development counter.

So the above explaination is the correct one once q4 is released?

michaelm75au -> RE: Accelerating Japanese airframes (9/17/2011 3:56:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: Numdydar


ORIGINAL: michaelm

In simple terms
(a) A factory will produce a random R&D between 0 and the number of devices in the factory ie 1 device = 0, 2 devices = 0,1, 3 devices =0,1,2, 4 devices = 0,1,2,3, 10 devices = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 etc.
(b) The random R&D is then divided by 10. Any random R&D of less than 10 will be '0', otherwise it will be the ten's component of the random R&D.
(c) If there are no damaged devices in factory (this is a given as there must be NO damaged ones present), add '1' to the number from (b).
(d) If the number from (c) exceeds 3, it is capped at '3'.

The number from (d) is added to the a/c development counter - this will be a number from 1 to 3 inclusive.
Once the counter exceeds 100, it moves the available date sooner by a month and resets the development counter.

So the above explaination is the correct one once q4 is released?

There is a step before (a) that is missing.
(a.1) Number of initial devices from factory is as a/c production ( active devices + random(30)/30). If this number is 0 or any damaged devices present, then no R&D this turn from this factory.
(a.2) A factory will produce a random R&D between 1 and the number of devices from step (a.1) ie 1 device = 1, 2 devices = 1,2, 3 devices =1,2,3, 4 devices = 1,2,3,4 10 devices = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 etc.

This puts it back to what was there before the p8 muckup.

Numdydar -> RE: Accelerating Japanese airframes (9/17/2011 5:39:34 PM)

Sorry to be dense but it has been a while since I last did any programing [:(]

Random(30)/30 means a random number between 1-30 is generated and then that result is divided by 30. Do I have that right? So 1/30 times you are able to get a 'bonus' of an extra plane produced?

If that is true, 29/30 times this will have 0 as a result as you only have a 1/30 chance of getting a 1. Unless you always round up. If you round up, then you always get 1 as a result.

So a 2(0) production factory whould have 2 points produced + a 1/30 chance of a +1. Then the Production routine would modify this to see if an actual plane was produced or not.

A 2(0) R&D factory would still be 2 points produced + a 1/30 chance of a +1 as for production factories
Then another random number based on the most likey outcome of the above which would be 2, would produce either a 1 or 2 as there were two devices. If the 1/30 'bonus' point was generated then this numbe could be 1,2, or 3. Correct so far?

As all these results would be 0 when divided by 10, (2/10= 0 rounded down) no R&D points would be generated.
However because the R&D factory was fully repaired, it gets a 'bonus' of 1 point

So ANY R&D factory that has less than 9 factories fully repaired could never exceed getting 1 point towards acceleration. If you had 9 then you would have a 1/30 chance of getting 2 points. ([9 factories + 1/30 chance of +1]/10 =1 + 1 'bonus' for fully repaired =2)

To complete the picture, 2 cities with 1 2(0) R&D factory each would generate 2 points/day. So every 50 days this plane would accelerate.

While 2 cities with 1 30(0) factory each would most likely produce 6 points/day. This would allow an acceleration every 16-17 days.

And if you can do it, 3 cities with 3 30(0) factories each could produce 27 points/day (3 cities * 3 factories * 3 points generated = 27). Evey 4 days or so you would accelerate.

Of course getting the R&D factories repaired is the key to all of this [:D] Once that is done and you have factories spread out in different cities, things can really speed up [:)]

Thanks for ALLyour help Michael. Hopefully I have it right now. Finally, right [:)]

FeurerKrieg -> RE: Accelerating Japanese airframes (9/17/2011 6:24:50 PM)

Given the time it takes to repair R&D I am still not clear if setting factory sizes to 30 or 1 is the better route. I think to cover my bases I may just do both - for each target frame I will make one factory of size 1 and one factory of size 30.

If we knew the exact formula for determining repair of an R&D factory then some calculus would probably get us to the optimal solution.

My gut says that given the +1 bonus point PER DAY for having an undamaged size 1(0) factory, that should be the way to go.

Numdydar -> RE: Accelerating Japanese airframes (9/17/2011 7:35:38 PM)

I'm leaning towards the 1(0) factory too, especially for those 45/46 airframes. If you were lucky enough to get them fully repaired in 42/43, then you gould get them accelerated at a rate of 1 month acceleration/3 monts approx. So a 3-6 month boost. 1 point/day approximately 100 points every 3 months.

darbycmcd -> RE: Accelerating Japanese airframes (9/17/2011 8:14:19 PM)

I think you guys are misreading the formula. Remember that ac production numbers show production per MONTH. so a 1 ac factory (r&d or other) will give you 1 point (on average) per month. The devices used in step 2 is not the raw production number, it is the calculated value in step 1. When you calculated 1 month accerleration every 3 weeks or so, doesn't that sound a bit... much?

Some players manage to move one or two late war planes up quite a bit by the model swap method and massive commitment to focused R&D. But unless the Japanese player wants to commit to this focus R&D is not a huge part of the game. It mostly is a method to time delay new factory complexes.

Numdydar -> RE: Accelerating Japanese airframes (9/17/2011 9:26:31 PM)

From the OP


ORIGINAL: michaelm

For each factory/location, one to 3 R&D points are added to the aircraft development per turn. This is how it has always been.

What this means it that it is not a simple case of how many R&D devices are out there.
For example, if I have 4 cities with each having 2 factories (of 10 active devices) researching a plane, the number of R&D points that turn would range from 8 (4x2x1) to 24 (4x2x3). Even though I have 80 (4x2x10) actives devices, which would be what is reported on most of the industry related screens.

Thus the advance by a month could happen in 13 to 5 days respectively.

I have been getting advances every two weeks or so for airframes I have concentrated on. So it definately is a per day number. Remember the even the production factories produce daily numbers which may or not end up having an actual plane produced. R&D is the same in that every day there is a chance an R&D point or points can be produced.

darbycmcd -> RE: Accelerating Japanese airframes (9/17/2011 10:34:39 PM)

hmmm, i see what you are saying, but it is at odds with what what posted in post #50. and seems waaaaay to fast. lets one more time try to get definative answer from michael.

darbycmcd -> RE: Accelerating Japanese airframes (9/17/2011 10:39:54 PM)

out of curiousity, when you say focusing on, how much focus? how many factories are you talking about to produce a one month acceleration every 2 weeks?

Numdydar -> RE: Accelerating Japanese airframes (9/17/2011 11:23:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: darbymcd

hmmm, i see what you are saying, but it is at odds with what what posted in post #50. and seems waaaaay to fast. lets one more time try to get definative answer from michael.

Where in post 50 does it say that the numbers are monthly? The line below fro post 50 is the only reference to a month I can see and that is talking about acceleration NOT that the numbers produced is monthly

Once the counter exceeds 100, it moves the available date sooner by a month and resets the development counter.

darbycmcd -> RE: Accelerating Japanese airframes (9/17/2011 11:26:18 PM)

sorry, my bad, i meant post 51. it doesn't explicity say per month, but if you run the numbers you will see that it mirrors ac production, basically that you would expect 1 point of production per month per device
i meant this section
There is a step before (a) that is missing.
(a.1) Number of initial devices from factory is as a/c production ( active devices + random(30)/30). If this number is 0 or any damaged devices present, then no R&D this turn from this factory.
(a.2) A factory will produce a random R&D between 1 and the number of devices from step (a.1) ie 1 device = 1, 2 devices = 1,2, 3 devices =1,2,3, 4 devices = 1,2,3,4 10 devices = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 etc.

This puts it back to what was there before the p8 muckup

so now i am confused which is the current system! you are getting really large increases, how many factories do you have working to get this pace?

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